People who want American Horror Story to be something it is not
And that it should cater to what everyone else wants. It is supposed to be different and interchangerable.
I am so fed up with people saying. It is not like Murder House, or Coven, or Asylum or insert season here. Therefore it is *beep*
That is so annoying. Yes I didn't love Freakshow, do I deny it had it's moments or that other people can like it no. And I don't think my opinion about that season is valid for anyone else other than my own. It's fine to dislike something or have opinons but stating them as though they are facts is so annoying. Especially when you are blantanly just stating it because you personally have an issue with it for whatever reason. Saying hotel is awful because it had Lady Gaga in it for example, really? I am pretty sure there were other characters but obviously you are just going to state it is awful over 1 part of the story.
Therefore, this is what I have to say. Don't like a season, don't like a season. But stop asking that the next season be more like another one. If I had my way I would actually like them not to be set in the same universe becuase it that is the point of the show, that they are unique and different stories.
This has particularly annoyed me with Roanoke, because people didn't like the direction it went in with. And also didn't like the shaky feature film type camera work.
This is a stupid reason for you to judge the season just because it didn't go down to route you wanted. Imagine if I said, I hated insert movie or television show here, because they went down the route of killing off all the characters. That is how the story went, don't like it don't like it fine but stop complaining that it didn't go towards your personal tastes. No Roanoke nor hotel will be asylum or murder house. Because they aren't the same seasons.
Ok rant over. Have a nice day.