So where do we rank Roanoke now?
For me it's looking like
1. Asylum (B+)
2. Freak Show (B+)
3. Roanoke (B)
4. Coven (C+)
5. Murder House (C)
6. Hotel (C)
For me it's looking like
1. Asylum (B+)
2. Freak Show (B+)
3. Roanoke (B)
4. Coven (C+)
5. Murder House (C)
6. Hotel (C)
LMAO. Oh god, best thread ever🙌
share1) Murder House A
2) Freak Show B+
3) Asylum C
4) Roanoke C-
5) Coven D
6) Hotel D-
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau
Season 1: good season
2: meh season
3: meh season
4: good season
5: meh season
6: meh season
so next year
7: good season!
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau
1) Asylum B
2) Murder House B
3) Coven B-
4) Roanoke C+
5) Freak Show C-
6) Hotel D
"We" rank Roanoke nowhere.
I rank Roanoke in a tie for first place with Murder House, Asylum, Coven, and Freak Show. Hotel is unfortunately in second place behind the rest since I rated it as only a 9.9 out of 10.
Less than forget. But more than begun.
Let's say in the top 3 and leave it there.
shareI rank "Roanoke" second to last, just ahead of "Hotel".
Shooting has started on my latest movie: