so they slit throats left and right,but nudity is still a no no in ameri
that is so hilarious.
you see people getting murdered by bullets to the head, people sthroats gets slit.
but noooooooooo no nudity.
its so funny
that is so hilarious.
you see people getting murdered by bullets to the head, people sthroats gets slit.
but noooooooooo no nudity.
its so funny
ikr, america is weird. while here where i live, nudity isn't even considered porn (unless it's sexual nudity) and a pg-rated movie could get away with a brief penis shot
shareCan't you just go watch some porn if you are that hard up?
This is a horror show so it needs horror elements. Gratuitous nudity in horror movies is just lazy appealing to the lowest common denominator. Why would you need it so badly on TV?
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.
Why do people cry so much about TV shows not having nudity. If nudity is what you crave, there's nudity practically everywhere else; even in America. You can expect everything you watch to have tons of nudity, that's just not practical. Not everyone thinks nudity is as necessary as you do.
Besides, it's not all Americans that don't want nudity, it's the network execs and TV and movie makers that make that decision. People that crave nudity don't really care about the shows or the storylines, they just want to fap to their favorite actresses and actors on TV. Lol
I think that poster is a troll because he said on the shallows board that movie needs more nudity. It didn't have any to start with. However, I just find it very hard to understand why it's OK to show ass rape with a drildo but nipples are so offensive they have to be covered with pasties. Just does not compute.
sharei have nothing against nudity at all,
i just think its hilarious that americans cant handle nudity(or if there is a scene in a movie its OOOHOH RISKY),
but they have no problem with slit throats or insane gore.
Well as sandi pointed out it's the sponsors that call for nudity censorship, but take a look at the westworld board and see how many people have faux outrage over robots in cold storage being nude, but someone getting their face blown off is fine. I;m not offended by nudity but don't demand it be in all of my shows and movies; I'm just intrigued by the people who are 'offended' and 'disturbed' by the human body but are perfectly ok with torture, rape and slaughter.
shareThat's my point. Why are some people so butt-hurt over not having enough nudity, when nudity is practically everywhere else? Lol
I think sex and violence are separate issues anyway. A horror/sci-fi show is going to have violence and the violence is fake. There isn't always a need to see an actor's genitals in a story about horror and violence.
I don't see how nudity would make those stories that much better, so maybe some people want getting off to sex and violence or just want to see the actor's genitals.
A movie about love, passion, or porno would more than likely have nudity and there it would be more appropriate because it's about normal human beings, and the nudity is likely to be more real. Also if nudity is what someone is looking for, that's where they should look. Or invest their time in foreign films or TV. It's out there.
BUT if they really want to see it adn it's not shown enough for their tastes they should consider the actual people that put restrictions of it. Most Americans are like everybody else, not bothered by nudity, but the sponsors, producers, executives, etc. are assuming what people might complain about and they are often wrong; but they have the means and money.
The point about nudity and sex is simply this - the why wont you think of the children lobby groups push hard to have nips, peens and butt cracks censored because they don't want their kids seeing it, but they're perfectly fine with rape, bestiality, vagina dentata, incest, spiking and BBQing etc etc in a show like this.
As for the nudity in WW, it's completely sanitised. No titillation whatsoever. Just undraped bots being repaired or in cold storage, and as pointed out by Hopkin's character, not to be covered up by the techies working on them because that could lead to the tech believing they are human. They're just 'cattle'. How some viewers can find faux outrage there is beyond me. It's like being outraged about an undressed barbie doll.
I have no need to see arses and minges on tv, I can look in the mirror to see my own, however I do kinda get what the OP is saying (in a less pervy way).
It is pretty dumb, that on most of American tv you can be as violent as you like but heaven forbid you flash a nip, which are there for feeding babies by the way.
I remember when The Walking Dead introduced the gay couple and people were outraged, as they couldn;t have their children watching that. Oh, so it;s ok to see people being disembowled and having their faces chewed off and that is acceptable for a kid to watch? Nice parenting skills there gimps!
It must be something to do with being European that a pair of tits is a pair of tits to us. We went to Spain or Greece most years on holiday as children and there were always tits on the beach or by the pool and no-one batted an eye.
People certainly were not sitting there wanking themselves stupid over them.
In the UK in some of the low class newspapers they still have a Page 3 girl which is a picture of a topless model, usually next to some BS news story. If a pair of tits offends you, then get a god damn grip. There are far more important things to be worried about.
'Here, you forgot your axe'.
Yes to all of that my darling Poppy🙌. Happy New Year, sweet cheeks.
I'm in Aus and it's nothing to see bewbs on the beach. Hell, anyone who was breast fed has seen a nip so why are they regarded in such a prudish manner. There is still a bit of a cat's bum attitude towards women breast feeding in public from a minority which is sad to say in this day and age. FFS if someone is going to be offended by a woman feeding her baby they should be equally as offended by a man putting a sandwich in his mouth. Makes no sense.
Happy new Year to you too me dear.
I agree about the breastfeeding in public thing too, get them out girls and feed the children. Why should someone go to a public toilet to feed a baby, would the person objecting to it want to eat their food in the loo?
A friend of mine once said she found the idea of breastfeeding her child disgusting. This was an educated heiffer too. Ridiculous. I don't get why you would not feed your child HUMAN breast milk, intended for humans, but find it acceptable to drink cows, sheeps, goats milk, intended for well, CALVES, LAMBS AND KIDS.
I often think I am the only sane person, or am I the crazy one?
'Here, you forgot your axe'.
You're very sane, my love.
The other thing is, for the people who are offended by women breastfeeding their babies in public, here is a very simple solution which wont hurt
Don't fracking look. It's a private moment between mother and child anyway. Not something to stare at and feel faux outrage. Boggles the mind, oh yes it does. If a woman catches my eye while she's feeding her bub I just smile at her (so she doesn't think my resting bitch face is faux outrage) and continue on my way minding my own business.
Danloki for Prime Minister!!
I firmly believe people nowadays are offended just to say they are offended.
Believe me, if someone genuinely wants to be offended, I can help them out with that. I'm all for calling a beyatch out.
'Here, you forgot your axe'.
I firmly believe people nowadays are offended just to say they are offended.
Wow, Poppy. That's really offensive.
shareLOL. Put some clothes on, Gabe. You're disturbing me while I stare in through your bathroom window.
shareLOL. No joke I actually looked out the window for a second. I'm actually really paranoid that way.
shareehehehe. I'd have to have a pretty long neck to look across the pond and into your window.
sharedanloki, I agree and acknowledge that it's silly to censor one thing and not the other. Again, I was pointing out why so many people get outraged or baffled that a certain show doesn't have what they want. If the show is not going to show certain things, then that's how that show is, therefore those thing people want to see can be found elsewhere. More people complain about the lack of nudity in shows that have little, but don't complain that there's not enough violence in shows that have very little violence.
Also it's certain people with censoring power that decide what's censored so it's not the fault and will of ALL Americans or all people of certain countries.
I've always been against censorship. art or entertainment shouldn't be used to raise someone's kids. And even with it, those very people that clamor for it are the ones watching adult show with their kids right beside them. I hate the hypocrisy, too. but I guess I'm so cynical I figure why get upset about it sense ther are so many options out there and why blame the general public for what a few people have done.
Yes Yes Yes to all of your points, Sandi.
OT, Happy New Year, champ.
I agree with all of what you wrote, sandifay62.
And to add to one of danloki's post, there's kinda a weird double standard about public breastfeeding too. We seen cattle, cats, dogs, and other mammals nursing their young in public and on TV. So a mother pig can get away with breastfeed her young and no one bats an eye, but when a human mother does it.... everyone loses their minds. lol.
So what else is new?
A lot of men can't help but sexual-ize women's breasts and many heterosexual women find other women's body parts as disgusting in the same way men view other men's parts as disgusting. I have to admit that if I'm eating my lunch I don't feel like seeing some random woman yank her big musty boobs out. Hell, I don't want to see some random guy with his shirt off while I'm eating. But like someone said we don't have to look; but it's hard to unsee things you see.Lol
But every society has their social limitations and many Americans have grown up thinking the human body is a completely sexual and dirty thing. So in some ways expecting everyone to be one the same page about breastfeeding is like expecting a woman to freely walk around on a beach in the Middle East in a thong bikini with out any problems. If there is change, it's going to take a lot of time.
The double standard that gets on my nerves is when they do show full frontal nudity, it's almost always the woman but rarely the man. I wouldn't mind seeing more penis. But it doesn't make me enraged like men that want to see more naked women. I understand why the men aren't shown. Most directors are men and aren't into men's bodies and many actors have a lot (or a little) to be ashamed of. Lol
The double standard that gets on my nerves is when they do show full frontal nudity, it's almost always the woman but rarely the man. I wouldn't mind seeing more penis. But it doesn't make me enraged like men that want to see more naked women. I understand why the men aren't shown. Most directors are men and aren't into men's bodies and many actors have a lot (or a little) to be ashamed of. Lol
Westworld - giant black dong that caused a melt down.
I know. Mind blowing, wasn't it, and all the hair pulling about merkins. Just mind blowing.
shareWestworld - giant black dong that caused a melt down
Lol. You may get lost with the story a bit, but I think the episode in question is 'Contrapasso', or 5.
That scene was not really a big deal for me, I barely took notice. And I'm afro latina.
So what else is new?
Why would Poppy get lost with the story? It's not exactly hard to follow, and if she just wants to see the peen that caused big boys to cry she's not going to be following the story anyway. She just wants to see a nice penis that has it's own fan club.
shareI meant from one particular episode that would be a continuation from the last and full of information already mention in the previous. Some fans/new viewers can get picky that way. But it's fine if she just wants to view the one episode to see what all the fuss is about.
I guess it would also be fine to view the episode as a standalone too.
So what else is new?
I've never seen Black Sails or Spartacus, but you must be joking about Westworld.
All the female nudity compared to one five second side view of one guy is exactly what I'm talking about. guys were mad that it was probably bigger than theirs, but we women have to sit through much more female genitalia that we aren't into and for much longer scenes.
In Game of Thrones, there's way more female nudity than male and when there ia male it's usually for a few second and with gay characters. We women never get to see the main male characters nude. But when they do have a male's penis shown, the male fans cry like disgusted babies, just like they did about the notoiour Black man's penis in Westworld.Lol
I'm not joking about WW
We women never get to see the main male characters nude
But when they do have a male's penis shown, the male fans cry like disgusted babies, just like they did about the notoiour Black man's penis in Westworld.Lol
I'm not a prude and I really don't care for looking at genitalia of either male or female too much. But there is some equal amount of male nudity presented in WW as much as female. Most are from a distant. The black host was the only one with a close up, and that one apparently freak a lot of fans out over the internet.
And to add to your other post with this quote:
But every society has their social limitations and many Americans have grown up thinking the human body is a completely sexual and dirty thing. So in some ways expecting everyone to be one the same page about breastfeeding is like expecting a woman to freely walk around on a beach in the Middle East in a thong bikini with out any problems. If there is change, it's going to take a lot of time.
It was a close up of her merkin, not a full frontal of her genitalia. And it only freaked out the trolls screaming to free the 'vagina' and not hide it behind a merkin. They're kids posting the same sht all over imdb.
shareThere's other actors on WW beside Hopkins an Harris. Lol.
They only showed that one guy for a few seconds. They're almost always showing the female hosts nude. There are some good looking female hosts. But I'm not talking about particulars actors, I'm talking about the disparity in male nudes vs, female nudes in general and how male fans get upset at the few and brief times they show the male nudes.
I didn't know what point you were making since you didn't seem to understand what I was talking about. You seem to think they have a lot of male nudes in WestWorld, but that's not true. Maybe I got confused by your wording. that's why I thought you were joking or being sarcastic.
Nothing is new, that's what I'm talking about. that was my point about how society is and probably alays will be. It's not just America or Americans.
But the nudity I'm talking about is that close up nudity, the men are in shadow or at a distance so you don't see anything, really. And it's on purpose. I've said in another post that I get it, I know why they do it. But I'm just bringing up the fact that men complain that there's not enough female nudity in TV, but we women don't get to see what some of us want to see, either. So why be surprised or outraged? It's just the way it is.
Did I say I was outraged? I'm talking about what the OP mentioned - that slitting throats is fine on american tv but some people go mental over the human form which has been showcased in art for centuries
shareI never said you were outraged. I was talking about the men that get outraged when they feel there's not enough nudity to suit their tastes.
My points were:
Women don't get to see as nearly as much nudity as men get to see; b ut we don't get as outraged.
A show that doesn't feature a lot of nudity isn't going to suddenly change. But there's plenty of places that show a lot of nudity for those that need to see it.
As far as sitting throats vs, nudity, that's not solely American issue. Other countries out there make the same censorship decisions. But it's not evry American feels the same way the censors do. Tjhere are people that are equally offended by violence as well as nudity.The OP was blaming all Americans, but that's not true.
I have no quarrel with you. I think you just misunderstood my posts. Maybe I al;sop misundertood some of yours. But I think we're kind of on the same page. Lol
Well this is what threw me
The double standard that gets on my nerves is when they do show full frontal nudity, it's almost always the woman but rarely the man.
I'm just fascinated why nudity freaks some people out, or the current trends are guys saying penises are only shown for comedic purposes which I think is garbage.
The other trend is - ban the merkin so we can see 'vaginas'. Now obviously those posters are kids because I don't think any actress is going to let a film director shove a camera on a speculum into her vagina.
I agree with you and things are changing very slowly, but there still is a double standard. Like I said, the main point was that they're whining about not having enough female nudity, but not only is it virtually everywhere, they get mad when there a tiny bit of male nudity.
Nudity only bugs m when they spend ten minutes showing a nude scene when there's a lot of story to tell. nudity in itself doesn't bother me or make me. Lol
But as far as
I don't think any actress is going to let a film director shove a camera on a speculum into her vagina., they came pretty close in John Water's Pink Flamingo. There's some scenes in that movie I can;'t scrape from my brain. Ycuk. share
they came pretty close in John Water's Pink Flamingo. There's some scenes in that movie I can;'t scrape from my brain. Ycuk.
I vaguely remember the cookie monster avatar. There are a couple of them who all have an intro on their account talking about free the vagina.
ah yes, this guy
Lol. I can't believe they invaded the WW board about it too.
So what else is new?
Yes, one chicken's head was pulled off as two people were having sex, a wman has a close-up of her vagina being injected with sperm, a guy lays o is back with his legs up and farts with a close-up so you see his rectum pulse as he farts, and at the very end Divine, the drag queen, walks down the street, sees a poodle take a dump and actually eats the turd.
The premise of the movie was about two feuding families trying to win the title of the most disgusting fasmily...or something. I love john Waters movies, but this one I would never recommend. I wish someone would've warned me. i hate I remembered all of that.Lol
Ohhh thanks for the headsup, sandi. Will be passing on that one.
shareYeah, I'm definitely passing that one up. I just recall reading how that one incident upset animal right activists, among other things.
So what else is new?
fyi: it IS shown on a 'free' cable channel [not a pay per view or HBO situation]
and why... because americans are retards when it comes to what their CHILDREN SHOULD WATCH AND WHAT THEY SHOULDN'T.
that's why.
Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
Not on network/basic cable. Nudity is okay on premium pay cable, but not genitalia. Well, penises are sometimes seen, but only flaccid ones and not in sexual context. And there are adult XXX premium movie channels.