MovieChat Forums > Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Discussion > Anyone elese find this movie Very slow

Anyone elese find this movie Very slow

I still think its a good film but any scene that isnt an action scene is just 2 people standing and talking . The peggy scene is so pointless and boring i have to skip it each time i watch it. And the car scene. AOU was more fun.


I think the Peggy scene had a great impact on the movie. Had she died while he was still frozen, it might have been easier for him to move on. Since she's still alive, while he knows they will never be together, he gets to see his 'failing' to return to her. And, he has to be there when she dies.

It gives further meaning to why he's alone and not all that interested in dating.


The peggy scene is so pointless and boring


It's heartbreaking for cap, so it's not boring.

And it's purpose is to show he's still a man out of time even with the people who knew him. Not pointless either.

Can't stop the signal.


This movie is boring, IT's better than the other superhero movies:: Guardians and avengers. But it's still boring.


What movies do you find to be "great & exciting." 


You're going to have to explain this.



"A distant ship, smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves."


Since I've watched movies ever since Robert Redford was young enough to play Captain America, no, I don't find the non-action scenes "slow". I find that they make the movie. But I do realize that there isn't always that level of drama in many action films, and that the whippersnappers may find them pokey-paced.

I don't find that the action is worth much if we don't have the knowledge and emotion and motivation that comes from the drama. Many great films, like "The Exorcist", Terminator 2", "Planet of the Apes" or "X-Men" have stretches of dialogue that propel the drama and later action. One of my fav scenes from "The Avengers" was just Stark & Banner just talking on the helicarrier. Helps me know these people and why they're doing what they do.


I kind a find this movie slow too, but also forced, too much shacky cam for me to handle :P


More a DC fan anyway, but of the Marvel series, I liked "TWS" the most! Sam's the best in his car chase; the quips just kept on coming! Being a fan of the animated series, it was great to finally catch up to Bucky's return as The Winter Soldier! I can watch the finale each time it comes on cable with little things found entertaining! I still smile/chuckle in Cap's last fight with Bucky when he picks him up by the neck and you hear that gag! Hilarious! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


The peggy scene is so pointless and boring

Good lord, no. Do you have ADD?


No, i actually found it refreshing... It's not suppose to be a full blown superhero movie. They made it more of a spy thriller with Cap in the center of it. There wasn't a huge emphasis on CGI that i could tell ,and the fight scenes were some of the best i've seen in the MCU. Almost better because they weren't completed in a green room.. As for the content . Well it's called story development. I'm sure it's not normally recognized in this day in age where the audience are use to snappy quips and non stop action. Occasionally it works to add more to the characters and coflict .... AOU was more boring mindless action with very little foundation and story to make any sense of it
