Ready for Snow and Charming to die already.....
Tired of these two really. In a show that has a billion undeveloped characters why do the writers keep harping about them. I could not care less.
Not only that but the show is getting confusing. I thought Hook and David became BFFs you know after the whole him saving his life in never-land and all. Then they fight again?
Why is Snow and Charming getting so much screen time? I know the Snow actress has some pull and fan base, is she using it to get more screen time for her now hubby irl charming!? No offence but when charming and snow were killed in the alternate world I was so happy!
To me Snow is an insufferable character. I can't root for her at all. She started out as a brat. Ruined Regina's life, turned her evil. She met a prince and lived happily ever after. And now she acts all high and mighty like her shit don't stink.
I cringed so hard when she was talked to Regina about the new Robin being a fake Robin jeez girl was it really necessary to say 'gurl i'm not sure about him'. She seems like a downer that will never let Regina be happy. Idiot Regina will find out eventually if he is good or bad. That convo was really useless.
Meanwhile 10 billion characters get ignored....7 dwarfs, Cinderella, Red, Mermaid, other princes, etc..... Why do we keep giving a shit about these two? I just don't get it.
Honestly almost stopped watching a couple times they were getting so annoying with almost 100% screen time. I was happy when they got the curse so that we only have to bear 1 of them at a time!
Snow is a bitch and Charming is an idiot. Don't like them on my screen. Anyone else feel the same? Or does this fan base adore them or something?