Is it worth watching?

I finished watching Westworld and I loved it and i'm thinking to maybe give this one a shot too. But I don't want to get invested if it's not really worth it, the premise does sound interesting though.

Break the rules and in a couple of years you will have a hell of a story to tell.


This question has been asked here many times. It is different to Westworld, not so cruel, no graphic violence or sex, but very entertaining and with deep insight to moralty, society and technical development. The main difference and positive point is that you get heros you can attach to and you get a great character development.
If you are not afraid of long texts read this article:


That article was truly enlightening, thank you!

Break the rules and in a couple of years you will have a hell of a story to tell.


After posting this I thought that the article might be useless for someone who hasn't watched the show, contains also a lot of spoilers.
So let us know if you like PoI or not.


It just might be the best regular TV series I have ever watched. Go to Netflix and watch from Season 1, Episode 1 until the end. You will attach to the characters and feel what they feel. Great show and sorry to see it end.


I would say yes. Your mileage may vary.


Do you like Burn Notice or any of those shows where skilled operatives help ordinary people?

Because the early seasons have a lot of that and that's what I'm enjoying.


Watched every episode & have now just watched the finale.
Great show


The premise is excellent, but it's a little cheesy. Jim's deadpan delivery doesn't help with that either.




It is so sad how this series didn't get the publicity it deserves. Its one of the finest TV shows ever made.


Reviewers of most series I watch are brilliant, but as a Englishman, some say they are North American, what does that mean ??


First seasons start ok but then it degenerates into an OTT parody of itself with increasingly unbelievable fight scenes against overwhelming odds..and a"partner" always showing up at the very last minute to save them when just about to be shot.
Gets too repetitive and could have been done better and made more "believable" in less time
