Eligible for 2013 Oscars?

This is one of the most beautiful animated features of the last few years and deserves an Oscar nomination... has this been shown in L.A. yet? Is it eligible for nomination for the 2013 awards?


Unfortunately it wasn't submitted for consideration. I don't know why Sentai didn't give it a qualifying run. I think the only two anime features submitted this year were From Up on Poppy Hill and The Mystical Laws.


Unfortunately, I don't think it would have been nominated even if it was put for forth for consideration. It's just not that rousing, big movie the awards and media tend to look for. It's this in-between, beautiful, intimate balance, and when it's operatic it's amazing, but it's also amazing in how quiet it is. It just doesn't feel like the move the awards would appreciate in America. I could be wrong.

I think it's also for the best. Better it be carefully tended to by a quiet few than ripped to shreds by a fandom and the critics...
