He is a smart dude so why wouldn't the first thing he would emphasize to the good FBI agent be "get protection in the hospital for Annie" or tell him to move her? The agent didn't even think of it? He did go visit her but that's all he did. If she had gotten killed I'd be a little irked, lol. Was nice to watch a decent movie though. Surely hasn't been much to pick from lately thanks to Covid. Stay safe!
He wasn't a smart dude. He shows us just how stupid he is by 1) not bothering to tell his girlfriend that he was a thief before deciding to turn himself in... maybe she would have been smart enough to tell him to just fed-ex the money back to the banks where he stole it from and leave it at that... or maybe she would have said great lets go retire Monaco. 2) he thought that he could make a deal with the FBI to begin with... no one in the FBI can cut a deal with a criminal that wants to turn himself in anymore than a murder can cut a deal with the police to get a lighter sentence by coming clean, a deal would have to be made with the prosecutor of the crime not the law enforcement agency that makes the arrests. The police or FBI would say that they would cut you a deal if you turned yourself in but it would be a lie that they would tell you just to get you to come forward before they arrested you and let the prosecutor nail your ass. 3) he continued to break multiple laws throughout the film which would have only increased the number of felonies he was convicted of... remember he blows up a house with explosives that isn't going to be forgotten... he planted the bomb in the crooked agent's car which was a felony even if he forgot to put in the detonator the mere possession of the explosive material without a detonator was going to be a crime whether he had the detonators with the material or not. And we can go on and on with more reasons why he wasn't a smart dude... he was a fucking idiot.
No.1 point really bothered me, they had only been together for a year and if he really did want to clear his conscience then he really should of told her first to see her reaction, he made such a huge assumption his gf was going to wait for him and also insisted part of the deal was she gets visiting rights to see him in jail.
Yep. This movie was not good. After Taken 2, I don't think he has made a decent flick.
I would add:
3b. That fire could easily have spread to neighboring homes.
4. He steals some clothes from the side of a church or something and thinks it will be a good disguise.
5. The FBI agents don't think there will be a camera at the storage place.
6. He kept stealing because it "made him feel alive" but never mind who's money that is.
7. The brilliant FBI agents don't consider the fact that they won't be able to spend said wealth without being noticed by the IRS. Especially when they are connected to an investigation of a bank robber.
8. The shootouts and car chases are also huge risks our hero puts people in jeopardy of.