MovieChat Forums > Revenge (2011) Discussion > Victoria Shooting Helen

Victoria Shooting Helen

So I'm rewatching the whole series now that it's over, and am currently in the middle of season two, where Victoria kills Helen. I forgot how powerful that scene was. It was one of the few times in the series I was rooting for Victoria lol. And watching season two back to back, it's not as bad as I originally thought. It's more complex than season one, so waiting a week or two between episodes I can see how some found it uneasy to follow the first time around. But, while it definitely had its weak moments, it sure had some really strong ones too.


I totally agree. The same goes for the whole show. In general, Revenge is a really really good show! I binge watched the second season and watched the third live then. I actually enjoyed season 2


I've only seen each season once except for season one. I've seen that like 6 times lol. It was sooooo good but I feel the show lost steam after season one. That said, I didn't care much for season two the first time around. But I've completely changed my opinion after binge watching the whole series. Still in season two so I'll probably like three and four more as well. I'm actually enjoying the Initiative storyline and I hated it when I first watched lol


the only part i couldnt stand about season 2, when it was going on - was the first few episodes when it centered a lot around Emily's mom, then she just up and left. her story was pretty much a waste of time. I actually thought the initiative part was pretty interesting, especially when Daniel and Conrad were standing in the building towards the end of it and Conrad explained to him what was going on.


Agreed. I remember being so excited about her mother being alive and hearing she was going to be played by Jennifer Jason Leigh, because she can play a psycho so well. And then it being so underwhelming. Luckily the Initiative storyline picked up after that pretty quickly. Had me interested in the show again. Because at one point I almost have up on it. It felt like a totally different show at the time.


I cheered when Victoria shot and killed Helen, that woman was an EVIL bitch.


Who was Helen again?

And about Emily's mom being a waste of time, so was Patrick.


Hellen Crowell she worked the intiative!!


She got carpeted.


I found the second season much more enjoyable when I watched it the second time. The story flows much better watching back to back.

Look what happened to my Good Intention
