so how is season 2?

Is it worth watching?


It is similar to season 1 where it takes a few episodes to decide whether or not to do this, and it takes a darker tone with a few bright spots about halfway through. The trial is used to structure the episodes, where each one focuses on 1 or 2 witnesses. They answer some of the burning questions from season 1 (and also address some of the criticism), with a couple revelations so big that you'll wonder why they weren't in the tapes. Hannah appears in the episodes, but she really takes a back seat to the other 4-6 kids who still have their own stuff to deal with. That's what season 2 is about. It's worth it if you like seeing some of them start to make selfless choices that don't magically solve their problems.



first few episodes are bad, it gets better

still think it should end


Not at all, no.


Could you please elaborate on what it was you didn't like?


It doesn't feel necessary especially since season 2 is not based on the book. If you loved how season one ended skip it. If you absolutely have to find out more about how the other characters' lives play out then watch it. Be warned for a few minor spoilers on what I'm about to say below.

For the most part it hits as an enjoyable alternative continuation to the end of the events in the book, but sometimes misses especially the anticlimatic and contrived ending to season 2 to let us know there will be another whole season, ugh. Season 2 sometimes felt like the writers were running of ideas especially in regards to Hannah's story. The new details seem unnecessary as season 1 ended it perfectly, but it is the glue that holds everybody else's together in this new season. There was some better character development in this season among Zach and Tyler and also some stagnant development like Jessica for example for obvious reasons. Hannah herself is now in the story as either a ghost or figment of Clay's imagination just as fan service. Ultimately your choice, but if I could go back in time, had I known they were setting up the end for another whole season I would have just passed on it being perfectly content with season 1.



It´s terrible.
