MovieChat Forums > 13 Reasons Why (2017) Discussion > Listen to the tapes already!

Listen to the tapes already!

I am at episode 4. People keep telling clay about what's on the tapes and ask how come he hasn't listened to all of it. Maybe I'm too impatient, but this is frustrating. 13 Clay's tape will be very the last one right? 9 more hours of this, is it worth it?


Clay's tape is #11. Episode 9 is where the show takes a darker turn, and some of the things from the previous episodes start to connect.


Clay knows that one of the tapes is his, that's why he's stalling the process. He's afraid of what he might learn. He knows his side of the story, but he's afraid that her side of the story may be somewhat different than he remembers the events. Like in Rashomon.


I'm thinking of getting into this show and I'm glad they draw out the mystery. So he's looking for clues of what happened to Hannah? Why she committed suicide?


Yes. Be warned that the first half of the series is mostly about teenage drama, but the second part is better.


Lol, yeah I was wondering if it was fun. I don't mind melodramatic scenes, but I like some energy and fun times going on otherwise I feel depressed along with the characters. Alright I made up my mind, I'm gonna watch the pilot.


The one thing I'm glad about with regards to this is that at least everyone acknowledges how ridiculous Clay is for taking a year (hyperbole, I know) to listen to 13 short cassette tapes. It's frickin' absurd.

And how many times is he going to crash his bike before he realizes he shouldn't be riding a bike anymore? I feel like Clay should be walking around with a helmet on at all times not just when he's riding his bike.


lol agreed


He's gruelling pace is getting to me too. Plus him staring stupidly at a blank space or zoning out or imagining things is getting really tiring.
