Required For All Entering Middle School
I'm old. Really old, but I like watching movies and series with a focus on school age children, more or less, to 'keep up' with how it is for them now, as opposed to when I was in school.
Sure, we had the bullies, and they made life hell for those they picked on, which were the same students from first grade all the way to graduation, and I can list the 'victims' names to this day. We didn't know the word BULLY back then, but as a bystander, instead of the one standing up for, I really really wish I knew then what I know now. I would whoop some bully ass, or at least help them in some way.
I think 13 Reasons Why should be required viewing, with ongoing discussion, for every single child who is about to enter middle school, which would be around the age of 10-12. It should be a requisite upon either leaving middle or entering high school.
Whacha think? Did you watch Selena Gomez' short discussion afterwards?