
I'm only 3 episodes in, but everything seems so petty. getting upset over everything, the whole tape thing, it just reads of a needy bitch, very odd. it's something i'm watching just for something to do, but it just all seems petty.


She has her flaws, but things get more serious in the later episodes.


all I can say is keep watching, shit gets real from episode 9 onward.


I agree with the original poster. If anything, I thought the rape victim had a worse time than Hanna did.Then after they finally get together. Hannah screams at Clay to get out because, "she'll ruin him", so he goes and then she's angry because he went. Do me a favour. Way too self centred. A lot of the other kids had more serious problems than she did. Even the girl who caused the car crash had more reasons to kill herself.


The whole point is that she had no reason to kill herself. That's part of the show's message. The other part being, do what you can to leave your door open to those around you, because you don't know much a seemingly small thing can help or hurt them.


I hadn't seen episode 12 when I wrote my post. She did have more than enough reasons by this point.


I'm going to keep watching but i really don't enjoy it. on episode 8 atm.
all of their issues are just ridiculous. she seems to be angry at people and blaming them for literally nothing. Like that Alex guy, he did nothing wrong except walk away.


There is a big turn in the show between episodes 8 and 9


but why did they leave it so long? they must have lost so many viewers through all the petty situations so far! i'm only still watching because i have no life,


I don't think they are too concerned with people not watching because it's netflix and they release all the episodes at the same time. There are some bits in episodes 6,7,8 that are important later, but I agree they could have condensed them into 2 or even 1 episode. At the end of episode 12 and during episode 13, she explains more about why they are on the tapes and how it all fits together.
