Petition to Stop the Show and Talks of Gypsy Made Documentary
Click Here to Sign the Petition:
For hundreds of years Romani have suffered racism and prejudice because of the way we were stereotyped. A lot of hard work has went into changing people’s view of us around the world. This is being destroyed along with the reputations of our people. The Television Show “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” promises a look into the “Gypsy” lifestyle. What they are really doing is showing a small group of Irish Travellers and then passing them off as “Gypsies”. There are many lies that are being peddled to the viewers as facts so that the show’s producers can make a buck. But they are doing it at OUR EXPENSE.
One of the many lies shows a supposed “Gypsy” tradition called Grabbing, where boys basically assault young girls in order to steal a kiss. You know we don’t do this. Its insulting to Romanies and Irish Travellers alike that this show throws us into a pile with no respect to who we really are. We have been severely damaged by the way this show spins “Gypsies” into a Jerry Springer Show. Our people are being depicted as trailer trash, alcoholics and thieves which is causing even more hatred and more suspicion in the Romani and Traveller communities. Do not participate in the negative portrayal of the Roma by participating in this documentary. These people are sharks who will use and abuse you and your family. They are soliciting our kids on Facebook already. They’ve contacted my daughter, my sisters and other members of my family. Chances are they are trying to contact your chavies too.
We're Making Our Own Documentary
My name is Mario Williams, many of you know me. I am a Romanichal out of Austin (Go Outlaws!). I am currently in negotiations with several of the major networks and their respective production companies. For the the past year we have been filming Season 1 of Gypsy Chronicles: The American Romanies. This is going to be a classy production OWNED by home grown, real Romanichals. We are well into the shooting phase. We will not be releasing control to Gaudjas. The portrayal will be done in good taste and will be highlighting all of who we really are: beautiful, smart, amazing and good people. Our intent is showing the beautiful stuff that everyone wants to see without letting the viewers into our closets, so to speak. We will educate the viewers of how we have suffered over the years by using the support and information held by Professor Ian Hancock at the Romani Archives at the University of Texas in Austin. We are going to show why we are the hardest to kill. The hardest to beat down. The most beautiful and the most talented people on the planet.share