I love learning about other cultures and religions and have respect for them. I guess there are many questions that are left unanswered for me so far such as:
-Where do they get the money? -Why aren't social services (for those countries) involved? -Why is their culture so sexualized, especially with the clothes?
I'll never understand it, but that's okay, it's just interesting to watch
Money: Lots of people mentioned scams (possible why the men's faces are always blurred out). On the recent episode, Violet Anne's parents seemed to lived in a nice stable home, so it can be assumed that they had somewhat decent jobs that don't involve scamming people. Also, Violet Anne had a job working at a motel. They are possible to the exception to the norm.
Not too sure about social services. I also wondered how the parents get around not educating their kids. I guess when you don't have a stable home and are moving around a lot its hard to track these people.
Skimpy Dresses: The dresses are similar to feathers on a peacock in that they are used to attract a mate. The women don't have really anything else to fall back on other than their looks/dress because they are usually taken out of school at a young age. I guess they prance around town and go to weddings wearing skimpy clothes in hopes that they attract a potential husband so that they can in turn get married.
It seems to be more than just skimpy dresses. Even the little girls seem to be very sexualized, not "just" their trashy clothes and heavy make-up: the way they danced at the christening was bizarre and way inappropriate to little 6 and 8-year old girls.
I thought the females were raised to see themselves as only sexual beings from a very young age. It was almost like watching a summer camp for street-walkers or pole-dancers.
As for the money, I think they probably do live on the edges of the law. It wouldn't surprise me to see/hear of illegality and it's possible that they don't see anything wrong with breaking the law or scamming non-travelers. The disconnect for me was their own belief that they are religious. I saw some trappings of religion, but I didn't see any devotion or commitment to any religion. It's like the people on the show liked the display of religion, but that was it.
That's what I really don't understand. they're very steeped in religion, value virginity more than gold, if a girl has sex before marriage she's immediately shamed and so is her family, yet the clothes they wear and the way they conduct themselves is the total opposite. It's the ultimate madonna/whore complex. They're expected to be totally 100% virginal, yet dress and behave like whores. It's an enigma to me.
money? Scamming sounds about right, after all gypsies are known for it and they were driven out of towns and hence traveled a lot. If they claim to not be doing it anymore, why not settle down and act lke the rest of society.
SS? If they are doing anything illegal they do not want to be involved with government. Plus many of them do not have an actual address which is required in such forms.
Culture? This is what I don't understand. Especially since they consider themselves somewhat religious. Like someone else said, it may be to attract a mate but the young girls just may be mocking the older girls. The parents don't seem to care, but there whole society seems a bit backward.
I don't know that I would call them "backward," but I know what you mean. They complain that people don't like them, but what is there to like? They don't value education, or property, or work evidently.
They just seem to value making a spectacle of themselves. That's really what this show is all about. Why would these females go around dressed like prostitutes? If they aren't picking up Johns, then it must be to attract attention to themselves. It's all about one-up-manship. But who are they on-upping? Each other? Why would anyone care what the trailer trash down the street thinks? I don't get it.
If they were really nice, unassuming people, they would be Amish. Trust me, they aren't. I live in Amish country and can tell you the Amish do not want any kind of attention. They want to live quietly and peacefully. The gypsies just want to show off and fight and carouse.
Generally the Amish are good people, but they do pick and choose parts of modern society. The big difference between them and the travelers is that the Amish wouldn't want to make a spectacle of themselves at a wedding or any where else. You just wouldn't see the Amish trying to one-up each other. It's not their style. That's what this show is about - being in some way better that the traveler weddings before.