I mean 14, 15, 16 yr old girls getting married. Having to move away from their families and never being able to see them again. Not only that, but what the *beep* is wrong with the mothers? Dressing their young daughters( 3,4,5,6 yr olds) like hookers, slathering them in pounds of makeup, and then letting them dance like strippers. What if one of these young girls doesn't want to get married? Does she have to? What if her soon to be husband tries to rape her? Does she still have to marry him? She probably wouldn't say or do anything about it though, because if she did, everybody would probably blame her anyway, and say she "shamed" the family or something. They go around wearing these skimpy dresses that barely cover their boobs and @sses, and wearing pounds of makeup, and yet they're expected to remain virgins until marriage, and if they don't, they're what, "damaged goods"? What is wrong with these people?
"She asked me how to spell orange" - Damian