Anyone notice
Both the little comunion girl and Mary (3 week wedding) said lispick instead of lipstick. I thought the little girl said it incorrectly bc she is young but what is Mary's excuse?
shareBoth the little comunion girl and Mary (3 week wedding) said lispick instead of lipstick. I thought the little girl said it incorrectly bc she is young but what is Mary's excuse?
shareThese people barely speak English. I've noticed quite a few repeatedly mispronounced words. I assumed that the words are part of the culture.
shareRight-I like how they are speaking English, yet there are subtitles. I guess if u grow up with your parents pronouncing something a certain way, that is how you learn it.But not knowing lipstick?
shareI am a university educated person with a Masters degree and I am frequently asked to repeat common words several times because who I was talking to couldn't understand what I was saying.
I grew up in an area with very strong and distinct accents. I haven't lived there in over 5 years but old habits die hard, apparently.
Sometimes words just get pronounced incorrectly because no one has ever told them any different or they've heard others pronounce it that way. My family is educated but my mother still pronounces 'September' as 'sectember' and my brother pronounced 'spaghetti' as 'basketti' until he was in his 20's.
shareVery strong accents and lack of education will do that.