Also it seems the boys are allowed to sleep around while the girls are the ones who have to remain pure.
This is exactly right and, I believe, this is the reason for the outfits being so revealing.
In the Romanichal society, men are the "kings" and women are there to make sure everything is done for them. The women stay home and cook, clean and take care of the kids while the men go out and make money to support the family. The girls stay "pure" until marriage to make sure the men have a good quality wife. The girls and women dress the way they do so that they look good/sey for the men. The dancing is also the way it is because that's their style of dance designed to be enticing to the men.
Regardless to how they dress and dance, these girls are kept under a tight reign by their families to make sure that they don't end up with a bad reputation and can be married to a good quality man from a good family. Even just the smallest bit of untrue gossip that a girl is not pure can ruin her chances of a good marriage, so girls are never allowed out of the house without several chaperones...that way no one can make up a story about something she did while she was out.
Things like premarital se, living together, having a baby before being married and divorce are things you just don't see as often in Romanichal society as you do in our everyday society.
No matter what you think about how they dress and how they dance, it's hard to find fault with their morals as it relates to marriage and sexuality. Of course women's equality is a different story...