Walt, Jacob & ...

Some thoughts on Season 5 and hopefully Season 6

Season 5 Spoilers:

S5: Walt was acting pretty obsessed & crazy and Jacob was becoming more like a good guy.

S6 possibilities:
- Walt gets a excused for the craziness of S5 because of his head trauma. He recovers.
- Now there are different "bad guys", the Irish mob & Malachi. So Walt, Jacob & Officer Mathias join forces and work together.
- Somebody rescues Henry. Will it be Caty? She was starting to look pretty weird during the sweat. Something bizarre might go down with her. Maybe she turns militant.
- We find out who's the father of Vic's baby.

Well anyway, I'd like to see something like that.
Subtlety in films sets free the imagination.


I hope so, I like Night Horse as slimy but not evil. I don't want him to be bad that would be a horrible way to justify all of Walt's wrong doing. But like you I was loving everyone but Walt this season. I would watch the heck out of the Standing Bear show.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.


I think they need to throw this season away and start over with Barlow just dying from last season. Did not like the Irish mafia, they were reaching to hard, Walt needs to get back to his Indian Heritage and the spirits and for god sakes bring Branch back. I give this season about a 4.5 or 5 and the other seasons were 8 to 10. And really a golf course?


I agree with all of that........

