Gee, I see you made two comment separate comment replies here. One where you continue to use the jacked up structure and one where you finally decide to use the quote feature. Any reason why you had to make two separate comments instead of just making one and with the quote feature? Gee, you're just all over the damn place here.
I didn't use the quote feature, I decided to write the quote function myself. Also, "Gee"? How about that, you've gotten a new Word to overuse.
As usual, you try to make such lengthy replies here to like everything I say. You just don't know when to quit huh? If anyone is going to look stupid here, it's you, and for the past few days you've been doing a good job at that.
As Always, your ignorance is heavily matched by your idiocy. You state that I'm going to look stupid, then you go on and state that I've already looked stupid for the past few Days. Long-term memory isn't your strongest side, now is it?
Yes, you are stupid. As for me using "most stupidest" I wanted to be definitive here. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, stupid.
Alright, Another half-assed excuse that makes no sense.
Fine, see it that way. It's only your own dumbass stupidity sinking into your rotten head here.
And the excuses are piling up.
There's a lot more than just hair colors and neighbors that should be taken into consideration here and overall all the differences make a huge difference. But things such as personality of neighbors IS in fact a main key to the plot and the show as they would be recurring and share a role in s number of episodes. That would be a very noticeable difference between that and another show you find it to be a ripoff from.
You state that there's alot more things that should be taken into consideration, yet you cannot name any of them. Also, you state that something is a main key to the plot, only to state that it's only a recurring feature a few seconds later. Neighbor-personalities are easy to change in order avoid accusations of plagiarism.
You thought I could be smart enough? Oh yeah, pull the other one and don't freaking tell me how to write phrases here stupid as you are that fail to understand things and correct your own mistakes, the many you've managed to present to me as it is. Again, I like to be definitive here so I have a special need to use extra words.
"You are that fail"...huh? I am that fail? Another case of Spelling errors, huh?
That isn't even what I call a joke. It was just weak and I would expect that from some one like you. WEAK.
Yes, exactly, it isn't what YOU would call a joke. Now, I do Believe a functionating brain should be required in order to have a grip on humor. Therefore, what you find funny or not isn't a subject of importance.
Here you go again trying to act all smart. You're not smart freak, so shut up trying to point out my errors here. Unfortunately for you there is no error. I used the right word as you're rubbing it in my face that I'm stupid and you being so smart, which alludes to bragging. Try again punk.
Bragging is the concept of pointing out the superiority of your own abilities. To state (the fact) that someone is stupid isn't included in the concept.
They have. You're very late to the party here you slow-mo.
They have? Oh, well then I do Think they should start show it as well.
What exactly is childish about that statement? It's something created by adults and used by them, stupid.
It is childish, and incredibly so. I recall using the very insult in kindergarten, i.e. where you're heading at soon. And it wasn't used by an adult, it was used by a 4 year old in a 19 year olds body.
I didn't intend for it to be any special. We're you expecting it to be? Sorry, but you weren't going to get your wish. I've been roasting that ass (your ass in a slang expression before you want to come in and talk crap about me should have said "your" instead of "that" like shut up with that nonsense) enough so I didn't need to go all out with this response.
No I got the expression. However, you said: "about me should have said", but it should've been "about how I should have said". Another error on your behalf. You also wrote "we're" instead of "were". You have not "roasted" my ass. You've merely made me laugh and cringe.
Sorry, but I don't think I agree there. That applies more to you than me, Dolly Parton.
And we're on with the immature "you're talking about yourself" jokes again. Also, Dolly Parton? That's your insult? Just...jeez.
I don't care which is better or not. Compared to the errors I've made, yours have been completely worse so I am not ashamed here. But too bad you're too stupid to see your mistakes. If anyone has sheer stupidity, it's YOU.
Again, no evidence. You keep making excuses for how it's "ok" for yo to make tons of mistakes because I apparently have made more, yet you the only mistake you can Point out that I've made is to not uncapitalize big letters, something easily justifiable.
1. How the hell is it an opinion? I didn't misspell a word here so it wouldn't be a spelling error as you claimed it to be for you to say it "wasn't spelled right". Duh.
2. Believe whatever the hell you want. I've been familiar with the phrase "....if I were you" which isn't really incorrect.
3. It's not technically the same word. One is a merge of two words, one isn't. I didn't use the separate words here, so you should have been correct on what I had actually used there. I just had to poke at that. Also, I think it's clear I'm referring to what I would do if I were you, but it's something that I would in fact do in the future. Duh
1. And that is your opinion!
2. More opinions.
3. It IS the same World you braindead *beep* moron. "One is a merge of two Words, one isn't" you say? Well guess what, smartass, it is a merge of the very Words the other one display! And no, it's not something you'd do in the future, unless you're actually planning on taking over my mind for real.
Nice grammar indeed. It's commonly done, the switch up and it works perfectly if you see it through, and you need to see a lot of things through so get with the program you roasted chicken.
Yet Another case of half-assery on your behalf. The grammar was incorrect, face it and go on.
Oh, please die already. If anyone could be worthy of being in society it's me and whatever God is up there looking down at us knows it.
Good one, my fine fellow! Also, you Believe in god, you say? Now, now, even more stupidity from you. Oh, heheheh, Cave man.
Thank God indeed. You're a disgrace to wherever you live in and we don't need your ass over here in America stinking up the place with your sorry ass life. You still want to talk about my grammar and insults being bad here? God you seriously need to look in the goddamn mirror already you deformed incest baby.
Once again, such thing as a look in the mirror does not determine intelligence. But I can see you didn't bother to respond to the first time I said that, presumably out of cowardice.
It definitely appears like I'm telling you to not stop being that, but it certainly wouldn't be the first one unless I said "I need to stop being an idiotic sack of donkey testicles..." so way to be an idiot there.
It could very well be the first one. Just look: "I know how to punctuate my sentences don't stop being an idiotic sack of donkey balls and see that you're the dumb one here." Just put a comma between "sentences" and "don't". But as the second alternative would also require a missing comma, then they're equally believable.
At least I can own up to my mistakes. I can't say much about you, especially when it's going to take you a lifetime to get your life on track.
Ah, further "I can make mistakes because you make more" excuses, they're really starting to get old now. All while failing to back up your statements.
That is my mistake *beep* for adding the "i" in there. But even your word came up with a red line underneath it and no word displaying a seemingly correct wording was listed in the right click mouse listing so I didn't think it was a real word. Luckily, I did look up at word just now and it's real. I'm not surprised you didn't make that up.
So...this whole text is basically you admitting you did a mistake and that I was right? You even state that you're not surprised that I didn't make something up, further complimenting me.
No, you aren't doing a good job at noticing it.
Not my fault, nonexistence is hard to notice.
Because you're bitching about the similarities the shows have and making such a big deal on it and completely ignoring the originality the shows clearly have that doesn't make them ripoffs of the shows that have similar concepts as they do. That's why. You seriously are blind. You think you're the genius here and couldn't understand that....
This whole argument is basically you rainting about opinions. Worse off, it's your opinions.
I can assume anything I want to when it comes to you since I am better than you and have a better mind-set to you, and a being worthy of human existence here. Also, shut up about what I mean to say. You are in no position to talk when a lot of what you've been saying and is still saying is all a load of dog vomit.
Summary: The first half of the text is a bunch of lies, the other half is non-backed up *beep* How swell.
No I don't. You do, and it's getting extremely annoying which is why you need to stop and realize things here.
You're right, you don't act stupid. You clearly are without having to act.
Um of course it's a comment, but you were making a point within that comment with that statement, jackass.
Once again, your opinion. I'd beg to differ.
Don't need to. You're quite able to find that out for yourself. Don't be so dumb to assume things here buster, you are in position to do that since you're stupid after all
The overuse of the Word "quite" in order to appaer smart aside, you still cannot name any shows. If it would be that easy, then why haven't you done it already, huh?
Your whole life is a big, stinking mess in big need to some proper grammar. Do something about that getting done.
No grip on reality at all, sigh. How the hell is a human Life in need of proper grammar? Answer that WITHOUT having your ass pressed into your mouth.
But you're trying to act all smart here and some one who doesn't make mistake and knows how to write sentences. You should care to fix it.
Why? If IMDb see it as certain Words need capitalizing, then who am I to argue? I would be like you trying to argue with me, I would have no success.
Wait, I didn't KNEW? I believe you mean "KNOW" here. To answer your question, yes it helps to have a clue so I don't have to deal with stupid people. You think I want to deal with them? No, I don't.
You, of all people, don't like to deal with stupidity? How ironic.