That's pretty much exactly right. Everything beginning with the funeral scene was a dream. There are numerous clues in that scene alone that it's part of the dream-Christine's dead and possible fictional sister shows up alive and mysteriously wearing the shoes from the fashion show, and the cop says that he hasn't yet had time to apologize. In the immediate prior scene, Isabelle is laughing about the cop's fumbling attempts at an apology. I expect Dani was killed right after the scene dissolved away from her and Isabelle to the funeral. It's a motif that's used throughout the film-twice earlier, Isabelle wakes up from what seems to have been a nightmare (Christine's murder, her own arrest) but which then turns out to have actually happened. The ending is the coup de grace of this approach. It's a peek inside the character's head-she's done all of these things on purpose, but inside she's freaking out that she's going to get caught. Hence, the final dream she has features all the ways her actions could get her nailed all happening at once, because she knows she cannot possibly get away with Dani's murder (which, in turn, would make her a suspect in the original killing once again). That's my take on the ending.
-There is no such word as "alot."