Kristine + Paul
By the middle of the show, I became so frustrated with Kristine and her manipulative, passive aggressive personality, I wanted to scream! I could feel myself tense up whenever it came time to have them make a decision about anything. I think Jonathan grew tired of it, too, when he finally told them to stay away, since the arguing wasn't solving anything at all.
Every time a decision needed to be made, no matter WHAT Paul said, Kristine would contradict him. I'd wager had Paul said, "You know, I think the grass should be green" Kristine would have said, "Wow, no, really. I think it should be white." and the argument would ensue. Everything had to be white, white, white, white, white.
I see those two divorced in about five years when Paul grows a pair and tells her he's sick of her manipulations.
But I could be wrong...
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