Stan + Leslie
I finally got to see this episode. Boy, I wish I could reach through the television and slap Stan totally silly. He doesn't know what he's doing with renovations (though he thinks he does and doesn't know when to stand back and let the experts do their work). He also is so fixated on "getting a deal" that (unless they already bought the house before the show came in) he put the entire deal at risk because he didn't want to pay a reasonable price for the house.
I understand him wanting to save some money somewhere, but to undercut the list price by so much and not understanding why the homeowner wouldn't go for dropping the price by about $45,000 dollars (which was how much their first bid was when the house had been on the market for only 30 days at that point)? I was glad Drew essentially said "There's no way you're going to get it for that price and you'll be lucky to get it for $430,000" (which I thought was a reasonable price given the value of the house mentioned; no telling if that was accurate though). I also wanted Drew to tell him how much their previous house was worth and then ask Stan if he would willingly take a similar price cut on his home when it wasn't on the market that long. I would suspect Stan would say "Absolutely not. I want every penny I can get from selling my house." Hmmm. . . methinks Stan would have lost the house they'd gotten if he'd had his way because he didn't want to pay a somewhat reasonable price for it.
I wouldn't be surprised, if, when they were house hunting, Stan kept dragging his feet and wanting "deals" on every house offered, and Leslie gave him an ultimatum to either fall in line with the best deal they could get and choose a house or to stay out of it and let her choose (the third option would to be to take the kids and leave him for a few days in frustration over his need to get a deal).
As for the renovation, I thought Jonathan was going to strangle Stan at some point because of his constant interferance. I'm totally suprised that his wife hasn't because of his constant need to change things and then either not finish or do it wrong (if I'm remembering correctly). I don't see how Leslie and the two girls put up with it on a constant basis. At least the Mr. Fixit in my family actually does the research to find out how it's done (correctly), actually has the skills to do a lot of it, and what he doesn't know how to do, he hires someome to do it and either watches how it's done (and is there every step of the way, talking to the contractor to not only make sure it's down how he wants it but to actually LEARN how to do it right) or jumps in to help after asking the contractor if it's all right. If I was Jonathan, I would have tied Stan up in a closet and left him there until everything was done or banned him from even setting foot in the house until it was done.