MovieChat Forums > Property Brothers (2011) Discussion > Aren't the hosts of this shown just too ...

Aren't the hosts of this shown just too darn sexy?

If I was a single librarian movie star, I'd definitely take a few drinks and take both these guys into my bedroom so they could satisfy me times two! ;)

Of course, I'd have to leave all those pentagrams and crystal balls all over the place while the grandchildren stay at home scared, but one more drink. One less problem.

A dysfunctional family with magic, affairs, alcohol & lots of regrets.



Who said I was a man? Who said I was James Boland? Who is Jimmy Boy?

You really need to get an evaluation; it's not normal for one to claim to have magical powers and be featured in a movie, all after dropping out of the legal/medical world and shelving books. 

All she could do was stare at the ghost.


Keller and Keller alone said this.

Hello, VUPbrarian, I'm James. I've noticed a particular troll making mean-spirited posts toward you. I am the person that the incessant "Keller" is mistaking you for. It's strange, but I've seen this happen before.

We are all one, but we are different people, with different Internet devices, connecting from differnt locations. I know you know that. But there's a certain someone who may not.

I find "Keller" to be a bonafide Internet troll with no remorse. I've stood up to her post bullying (vuppery) several times. And I've never backed down. Now, bitter and angry, she calls other posters "James Boland" and as you saw, put a "curse" on us. I am standing tall against it, as I know you are.

I notice the vuppery seems to get worse as the day goes on, usually ending with Keller/DragonEx/Librarian/ telling someone to go to PFLAG or some ridiculous thing.

I don't know if she's a drunk, but she seems to know a lot about 12 step programs. I see it happen to more and more posters as her delusion continues to be manifested through her Internet activity.

VUPbrarian, if I may say so, you handle yourself quite well in the face of vuppery. She tries to make intimidating posts about her alliance with the spirit world but you are unfazed.

Stay strong, and happy posting.

Don't mess with the ghost of pool parties past.J u s t a d d s y r u p !
