I'm watching this show on Netflix now, so I'm not sure how long ago this episode was.
They weren't married when this was filmed, as he made mention of how a piece of lacy material could be used on her wedding dress.
The whole time this ep was on, I kept thinking that there's no way these two are still together. He's probably in the poor house (he already had debt and was at the top of his budget for a home), and she's moved on to her next sugar daddy...preferable someone who is glad to share his money with her. I sure as heck wasn't seeing that with this guy. Everything was me, me, me. "I can see myself sitting in that sun room drinking a cappuccino." "I like these chairs," without bothering to take her thoughts into consideration. My favorite: After he mentioned how this was HIS house for the hundredth time, Michelle makes a comment about how she'll be living there too. His response? <snidely> "We'll see."
This couple made me cringe through the whole thing, to say the least.