MovieChat Forums > Property Brothers (2011) Discussion > Episode with hot pink bathroom?

Episode with hot pink bathroom?

I'm looking for an episode that I cannot find ANYWHERE. The house that the couple chose had a ridiculously hot pink bathroom--the toilet, the tub, the tile, EVERYTHING was hot pink. The tub was like a 5-person tub. Drew and Jonathan kept implying that some orgies had probably taken place in that house. Lol.
Can anyone help me with this episode? Thank you so much!


I am kind of remembering that one. I wish I could help you find it. If I remember right that was indeed a pleasure palace even the bed was up on some kind of platform :o)

6% of scientists are republican. Scientists have no explanation why that number is so high


That was the one.


I just watched it earlier today. Try season 8, episode 4. It was the one with the pregnant wife who was about ready to drop.


It is on now it is ep 170 first air date 10-28-15 Marc and Ashleigh

6% of scientists are republican. Scientists have no explanation why that number is so high


Pink was a fad of the 1950s. We had a 1957 house with a pink bathroom. We moved to a 1953 house, and it also has a pink bathroom. It looks almost as ridiculous today as having barn doors inside a house will look a few years from now.
