MovieChat Forums > Property Brothers (2011) Discussion > You can tell these guys are bachelors an...

You can tell these guys are bachelors and have never raised kids

Their whole design aesthetic is geared toward super modern décor that a bachelor would love. I look at their beautiful renovated homes with light colored fabrics & white cabinets everywhere that a couple of messy kids could demolish in a short order!! Totally unrealistic!! A lot of people have valuable antiques, I can't imagine them fitting into their designs.
And I'm increasingly annoyed at families who sneer at homes that are "dated". And the homes are so much nicer than mine, I'd take them in a heartbeat!! But then I'm dated too, lol!


Thank you! I look at the finished home and think Not Practical!!


I love modern homes and open concept. But my home is cottage style and I also love Victorians and bungalows. I think it's boring to only follow one trend when so many other styles are interesting.


What kind of idiot has such brats that would demolish a kitchen? How about people stop letting their kids act like animals? Most of my family grew up in clean houses full of vintage stuff and not one kid demolished anything, save for my dumb ass cousin putting his foot through and antique marble top table by standing on it.


Geez, people, teach your stupid brats to take care of what they have. Never too early to start doing that.

And I'm sick of people with kids telling those of us without kids that we "just don't understand," because we don't have kids. I remember being a kid, and remember having to clean our house, take care of our yard, do chores, errands, and our schoolwork.

I actually was at a church service once and had to share a pew with a family of kids who were noisy and rude, one of whom kept kicking me while perched on mommy's lap. When I finally asked them to have the kids be quiet and have the brat stop kicking me, the snooty bitch of a mother asked me if I had kids. When I said no, she said, "I guessed you didn't, and I'm not surprised." All with a nasty smirk on her dumb face. I asked if her son could kick her for a while instead of me, and she said that he was only 2. Two going on 5, would be my guess! Then daddy chimed in and asked me to be quiet, adding, "you've been disturbing us," and grinning maliciously from ear to ear. I informed him I was glad those kids were theirs, not mine, cause they'd have to deal with their teenage antics in a few years.

Why do you people with kids think you're better, and your brats more important and special, than those of us who don't? We pay our taxes to support schools and services that benefit your children. I'm happy to do it as my contribution to a well-educated and civilized society. Yet you can't even teach them rudimentary good behavior. No wonder they can't read, add, subtract, or write!!! No wonder SAT scores continent to drop. I can tell you parents one thing: the kids in Germany, Japan, China, and even Brazil are ready for the challenges and problems of the 21st century. Are yours? Oh, your brats are special, all right, just not in a good way. Good luck with that!

I'll get back to you after I've consulted with Satan.


I cannot stand kids.


"Grinning maliciously." - Give me a break, old lady. That didn't happen

You're little story is nice work of fiction. It didn't happen. Nice try at a water cooler story though. It's cute to watch people try to be cool and daring like they're so cool when making stuff up.


Hey Allen, you sound like one of those douche bag kids all grown up. I have two kids 21 and 14 and they are respectful of others because that's how they were raised.


Yeah that would've made me mad too. I probably would've made a scene whether church or not. Kids are brats and parents are definitely getting to the point where they think that their kids should be able to act bratty and rowdy whenever they feel like it just because that's supposedly how kids act, and even worse, that the rest of us should have to suffer it quietly. They don't really care. They need to get back to the point where they remove their kids when they're disturbing others or find a place that is purposely designed to accommodate their needs. A lot of people nowadays are afraid to say anything unless they be descended on by the mommys. But maybe you should be having this discussion on the mommy blogs instead of here, or at least look for shows about child rearing or such and post there, they would probably be more your intended audience and so your message would go a lot, lot farther


I am SO WITH YOU on that, Pbglynn! It's high time that people with kids take responsibility for their "little precious's" behavior. If you can't figure out how to DISCIPLINE your kids (and I'm talking about a nice, good SPANKING), you shouldn't have kids! Stop disrupting everyone else around you and thinking it's OK and we should just "deal with it." How about I give your kid a good slap across the face and really give the brat a reason to whine and scream and cry? I have rights too, and I'm sick of you people with kids trampling all over them and crying foul when we speak up about it! Get your kids under control and teach them some damn MANNERS or stop foisting them on other people who do know how to behave themselves!



Please tell me you're trolling. Accidents and toddlers happen.

Crouton! Crouton! Crunchy friends in a liquid broth.


Yeah, my brother and I grew up in a house full of knick-knacks, antiques, and nice upholstery, and we didn't demolish anything. In the course of normal play, sometimes things got scuffed or somebody put his shoes on the couch, but it wasn't mayhem and we didn't need to be leashed and watched all the time. But that was in the '60s. Maybe it's different today when saying "no" isn't done. I notice, too, that all of these couples seriously include the kids, even the toddlers, in the vote to decide what house to get. That certainly wasn't my experience as a child, but what the hell did I know about buying or renovating a house when I was six?


I think they go on what the customer tells them their taste is- he doesn't just pull it out his butt and hope they like it.
I do agree about the homes they say are dated- I actually love.


That can't be true-every home they do is exactly the same style with the same type fixtures, furnishings and room surfaces. Modern is getting really boring-move on!


But, you see the homeowner pick out the flooring, paint color, etc.. so I don't see how you think it is all their style. I am sure they fill out lengthy questionairres too. You have noticed that there have never been complaints afterward, and when they do complain during, Jonathan changes it.

I don't see the point on watching a show you are bored with.


Well we see the owners make a lot of the decisions. I mean maybe most of these people are uppity modern people that really enjoy the contemporary look. I don't think Jonathan makes very many decisions without them. Honestly I wouldn't expect the design to stay exactly the the same at all once the people move in. It's of course gonna look like a model house before the family actually moves in and once they do I am sure they will get rid of anything they for whatever reason they don't like and add in all of their personal items to make it homier. I mean I watch the show all the time and even though the homes are breathe taking I think to myself I would get rid of this ugly painting or this vase or blah blah blah. There is usually so much left in the budget that they can buy whatever they need to make it their own. I mean the brothers put so much work into making it inexpensive and beautiful being ungrateful about it some small stylistic details would be a real dick move. They are not mind readers it is up to the home owners to owners to do themselves on their own time. I have seen the brothers go to lengths to make little play rooms and living areas for the kids so it's not like they don't have them in mind.

RIP Cory Monteith your fans miss you dearly


Yeah they let the buyer choose fixtures, cabinet color, flooring, backsplash, etc but they surprise them with furniture. There was an episode the other day where the buyer was trying to peek at the furniture that was delivered and Jonathan said it was a surprise and made them leave. Lol. But you're right, most likely the buyer will give back/sell the decor they don't like. It's clear the PB choose the decor because it's the same bachelor/gaudy style for every couple.


Yeah lot of the show is Jonathan trying to reach the owners to get their decisions, the owner changing or questioning their decisions or Jonathan having to convince the owners to go with a cheaper alternative to stay in budget. Its not like Fixer Upper where it is always JoJo's style. Farm sinks EVERYWHERE



No kidding.
