I cant stand seeing...

Overly bitchy wives. In many episodes it seems like the couple have to choose between a redone kitchen/bathroom or some sort of bedroom retreat with a spa feel. I dont remember their names but, they bought the house at almost their max spending level and got a new master suite... BUT their kitchen needed A LOT of work and so did the rest of the house. The husband wanted the kitchen and all that done but because his wife was a selfish bitch, nothing got done. Although I did watch a recent episode about an overbearing man and his wife and 2 daughters.

At first I thought it was just another typical episode (i.e. bitchy wife who wants everything her way, no excuses. Two daughters who are spoiled rotten and like their mum want it their way no matter what and then the poor father, who never speaks. After all, he doesnt have an opinion until they give it to him.) But they did a 180 and here we had a very annoying man who had to have all the control and be "the man." What a dumb ass! I wish I could hear what they really think of these people. haha


I know, I just watched the episode you mentioned about the spa like master bedroom while they ignored all the electrical issues in the house & the ugly kitchen. They have a lot more work left to do after Drew & Jonathan leave.


The episode with the master bedroom remodel was just on. I felt bad for that husband...wife was completely selfish. This must bring out the worst in people and several episodes I find myself wondering if the couple is still together.

There was a guy who was just as bad though. They were engaged and both still living with their parents while they house hunted. He was so me, me, me, my house, my house, my house, my money, my money, my money I felt sorry for his finance.

That building is also a Starbucks?


Is there a law?


That was terrible, because she is a teacher and clearly make less money than him, he is a a Stock Broker or something your perfect douche yuppie guy, if you have a problem with living with a girl that make less money them you then DON'T


Do you guys know what those epsoides both the women/man who were selfish?


I agree! I hate it when one partner completely disregards the other's opinions (although it is usually the wife). I also hate when two of the four rooms they renovate are master bedroom and the bathroom/closet, rather than their children's rooms/bathroom - it's pretty selfish.

I just watched an episode in season 1 where the wife was a stay at home mom and the husband was a high school teacher. During his entire vacation during the summer, he was working all of the time on the renovation to keep costs low, and although she was watching the kids, she did not lift one finger to help, and when she did come over, it was to complain, complain, complain.

You can also tell a lot about marriages and relationships watching the show. In the episode I just watched in season 1 (Kevin and Nicole I think?), they joked the whole time about divorce, and I'm not convinced it was all a joke. They have 2 small boys. Ugh.


I just watched another couple Tom and Bridget. She wanted a certain backsplash; he wanted the cheaper option. She said she would let him have "this one", but she would have the next [option]. Later she contacts Jonathan alone and tells him his she doesn't like the backsplash (her husband chose) and wanted Johnathan to go with the one she wanted, without contacting her husband. Even Jonathan wasn't too pleased about the idea of conflict. In any case, I really disgusted about her going behind her husband's back to get something she wanted (which was more expensive). I could only imagine it happens more than once if she's doing it on TV for every viewer to see... .


Yes, and there's always the closet joke, whenever there's a walk-in closet:

Wife: "This one is for me, you can have the little one over there." (everyone laughs)

But it's not just on the brothers' show--they do it on House Hunters and all the other real estate shows, too.


I hate that nonsense about closets. I swear, HGTV has a blanket script. It's in the contract that these people have to insist on hard wood floors, granite countertops, a huge master bedroom with a bath and a closet the size of a football field!


You are entirely correct, madam!
