MovieChat Forums > Property Brothers (2011) Discussion > Mike and Chris's renovation

Mike and Chris's renovation

They bought the large house in a historical area with the floor to ceiling stain glass window--BUT... With their juvenile behavior and pool table right by window---how long will it take for one of their "frat" type parties to break that gorgeous antique window. They already, on show, had pool balls hitting the walls and rough housing falling over the new furniture.. HOPE THEY GROW UP BEFORE THEY DESTROY SOMETHING THAT CANT BE REPLACED, just because they are drunk


Maybe they expect mom/dad to help pay for it. I wonder how they managed to get +$600K towards a home... .


Just as bad as frat houses and sororities taking residence in old, beautiful, houses like arts and crafts style. Then they trash them up! Such a waste.


...pool table right by window---how long will it take for one of their "frat" type parties to break that gorgeous antique window.

Yes! I came here to see if anyone else had noticed that. I can't believe the pool table is right by that gorgeous window. It looks like it's close enough that even a civilized game could find the butt of a cue stick backing into it. Some people install clear plexiglass/perspex to protect stained glass windows (seamed, if needed,at the same point as the window's horizontal seams). I was expecting them to do that. They didn't like the window, but had to keep it. To suit the boys, they could have boxed it in so it wasn't visible in the room, but could be revealed in future for them or future owners.
