Detached house!

We all know this show is shot in areas with ridiculously expensive properties, but I always get a kick out of "detached house", like that is some special unique feature. I ranks up there with "Look! It has a 2 car garage!" LOL


In a lot of cities, a detached house IS a special unique feature. I live in Philadelphia, and there's not many of those until you get further out to the suburbs. Most are row homes.

"I was born for politics: I have great hair and I love lying."


In bigger cities, a detached house is pretty special. I'd never even heard of a semi-detached until I saw these shows. We always called them duplexes.

Crouton! Crouton! Crunchy friends in a liquid broth.


It is a special feature. I would NEVER live in a town house or row house. When I was originally looking for my home, everyone I knew kept asking me why I was insisting on a detached home when a town house would be cheaper. I looked at people every time and said the same thing: "If I wanted a shared wall or multiple shared walls, I'd stay in my apartment." I wanted a detached house so that I'd have complete privacy from my neighbors. I can live without a two car garage; I can't live with shared walls. Ergo, I will only look at stand alone homes.

