For What Its Worth, I Liked the Inventor and His Pin Up Wife The Best
Elsewhere here, I report that I didn't like Here. In fact, I think it is one of the major misfires of our time -- "inverting" all the success of Forrest Gump from decades ago as the same people basically turned in a dud this time.
But as the movie kept criss-crossing through time(from the dinosaurs to Native Americans to Ben Franklin before settling down in the 20th and 21st centuries) I found something odd about this multi-plot tale:
I liked the scenes with the portly inventor and his sexy pin-up wife and I found them to be the most entertaining.
I kept trying to figure out WHY they were important to this story -- and I can't say I ever figured it out. Anyone?
But I liked them. I liked how HE was rather portly(and wore eccentric clothes to EMPHASIZE his belly) and SHE was a hottie who seemed deeply in love with her man.
And while pretty much all of the other stories had something tragic in them (In one,"Raquel" died -- and I didn't even know who "Raquel" WAS) seems that our "fun couple" succeeded in life, escaped the "house of doom"(they moved to California) and were the winners of the tale.
Again, I may have missed something. Did they fail? I didn't think so. The "Lazy-Boy" would be a big success tied in to TV watching...
On one occasion, I thought that the inventor was the man who had a heart attack while visiting Hanks' parents, but I looked up the character names and -- no, it wasn't him.
But the oddest thing was this: I was always more pleased to visit with the inventor and his pin-up wife than with the stars of the movie!(Hanks and Wright.)
So this major misfire at least had THAT going for it.