MovieChat Forums > Here (2024) Discussion > For What Its Worth, I Liked the Inventor...

For What Its Worth, I Liked the Inventor and His Pin Up Wife The Best

Elsewhere here, I report that I didn't like Here. In fact, I think it is one of the major misfires of our time -- "inverting" all the success of Forrest Gump from decades ago as the same people basically turned in a dud this time.

But as the movie kept criss-crossing through time(from the dinosaurs to Native Americans to Ben Franklin before settling down in the 20th and 21st centuries) I found something odd about this multi-plot tale:

I liked the scenes with the portly inventor and his sexy pin-up wife and I found them to be the most entertaining.

I kept trying to figure out WHY they were important to this story -- and I can't say I ever figured it out. Anyone?

But I liked them. I liked how HE was rather portly(and wore eccentric clothes to EMPHASIZE his belly) and SHE was a hottie who seemed deeply in love with her man.

And while pretty much all of the other stories had something tragic in them (In one,"Raquel" died -- and I didn't even know who "Raquel" WAS) seems that our "fun couple" succeeded in life, escaped the "house of doom"(they moved to California) and were the winners of the tale.

Again, I may have missed something. Did they fail? I didn't think so. The "Lazy-Boy" would be a big success tied in to TV watching...

On one occasion, I thought that the inventor was the man who had a heart attack while visiting Hanks' parents, but I looked up the character names and -- no, it wasn't him.

But the oddest thing was this: I was always more pleased to visit with the inventor and his pin-up wife than with the stars of the movie!(Hanks and Wright.)

So this major misfire at least had THAT going for it.


Guys love it when we see a fat guy with a hot wife lol. I liked them too. I don’t think the story was showing the importance of the people living in it, I saw it as a slice of life for each family that lived in the house. What we were seeing was just what was going on with these very different Americans that lived in that house. They probably moved into a bigger house with the success of the lazy-boy.

I thought he was the guy that had a heart attack too, that heart attack was amazing, he really bounced lol


Guys love it when we see a fat guy with a hot wife lol.


You got that right! At least I think she loved him for his brains and his spirit. And eventually, his wealth..she may have been betting on that.


I don’t think the story was showing the importance of the people living in it, I saw it as a slice of life for each family that lived in the house. What we were seeing was just what was going on with these very different Americans that lived in that house.


Yes, it was sort of weird how Hanks and Wright "had to" yield to all these other vignettes through time. Right now, I don't
like this movie on a first look, but maybe another view with give me a new perspective on these matters --the other vignettes are important in their own ways.

SPOILER: I did like how they "threw a curve ball" about the aviator NOT dying in a plane crash, but from the 1918 flu outbreak that was mirrored in COVID about a century later, which kills another character. I guess COVID to "Here" was like AIDS to "Forrest Gump."


They probably moved into a bigger house with the success of the lazy-boy.


That's what I figured and that's what I hoped.


The most fun and truly happy couple of anyone in the movie was the relaxi-boy couple who had no children. Coincidence? I think not! 😄
