I am just sayin'

I have to tread carefully. I could see Christina Ricci's character fornicating with a Black sailor she is a free spirit. But for a WASP girl to dump a WASP boyfriend and fornicate with a black sailor? with Sydney Poitier, maybe, black sailor, no, that is only possible in the mind of a liberal Hollywood writer... This goes back to Liberal Hollywood's hatred for WASPs and whites in general. They're saying "see the great white WASP humbled herself to the black, dirty sailor" It is always meant as a thumb in the eye, and not as a serious discussion on interracial love at critical time in Civil Rights history. They should have had that happen with Christina Ricci's character if they were really sincere. I am just sayin'


You are mostly correct but there is more to it than that. Male writers often don't understand that women do not date or have sex downward in social status so if a pretty White girl is going to have sex with a Black man he's going to be a successful businessman Black man not a blue collar sailor.

