Pilot Ep Question

How did the wife know her husband was having an affair with Collette? When did she learn, during the flight?


Woman's intuition


Really! That's some powerful black magic you women have....


Which pilot ep? They're all pilot eps. And don't forget the co-pilot.


stop, my sides are hurting.

what is the purpose of this really?


I know. Sorry, I saw the irresistible opening.

There is NEVER a good reason to be serious....


Umm... she smelled Collette's va-jay-jay on his pee-pee while going down for the bee-jay??... didn't see that ep., just guessin'... some guys forget to shampoo the thatch rug while they're cleaning up, and get busted that way. ;^)


Watched the first episode last night again after a few years.

In my house we're bringing PA back from the dead for those who don't care for football, ha.

I always wondered how she knew too. But on second viewing, the man was acting a bit uneasy at times. And ordered a refill from Colette abruptly, when his wife kept talking to her in the recreation seating on the plane.

Also, there was something I'd not remembered. In the terminal when Colette and the ladies are walking by toward the door to the ramp, she sees John and calls out to him across the terminal. He does not really respond.

Surely his wife was near him, even if out of the shot.


After that, I figured the wife was clued in by that call-out to her husband by first name. Then when on board and her husband was acting a bit uneasy at times it just cinched it for her.

He might also have a history of cheating we never heard about as his backstory.
