
First off, This thread is based of another forum which was about Kate defending Dean. I forottonm who started it but i think the ever awesome Li Baby 18 commented. Scrb2 was also awesome by contributing (i think he/she gotten tired of me)

So, this forum is about: If pan am got a full season, Would a lesbian storyline be possible? Who would it entail? What effect would it have? Would you have liked it?


Sorry i even asked.


If pan am got a full season, Would a lesbian storyline be possible? Who would it entail? What effect would it have? Would you have liked it?

I think in a rhetorical sense, the more likely bet would be Amanda and Maggie. Amanda, because she’s already established as a lesbian, and it would possibly add to the conflict/storyline of her being married to Ted and being with women on the side. Maggie because she seems the most free spirited out of the girls. Any other pair may seem forced.
Of course, when it comes to slash paring, I’m all for Ted/Dean, LMAO.


Li Baby 18, I love it that you, Scrb2, and countless others are always here rescue my stupid ass. I kinda agree, but i always preferred Pan Am 8 and before. I thought Maeda sucked at doing his job. Anyways, I don't know but the Chemistry between Kate and Colette seemed as if they had a boston marriage at a co ed college (Clark U or Boston U or Northwestern came to mind) and reunited when they started working at Pan Am. I think they could have had a tryst after episode 3 and 7. Maybe even episode 10.




I personally didn’t see it like that, and I’m not sure that was what the writers or the actresses were going for. I saw them as being really good friends, but I suppose all the girls were really good friends.
However, the good thing about this is, the subtle background plot is always opened for interpretation, so if that’s how you see it, who’s to say you aren’t right?

As I said, I have been happily reading between the lines of the Dean/Ted Bromance since episode 1.


Just for the record, I am a male.


Dear Srcb2

I am very sorry. I wiull never make that generalization without a PM. I am dearly sorry. Thank You for always saving my thread.


Don't worry about it. You're quite welcome.



Ford: Yes, they would have to present this storyline as something 'realistically' happening to people during the 1960's prior to Stonewall/gay rights.

EX: the stewardesses face annual job conduct screening. Something in this 'review' requires a referal for 'psychiatric testing' (homosexuality stopped being an illness in 1973).

So it would not necessarily be 'exciting' to today's audiences, who have grown up in a much different world. It could be difficult to explain even.

On the otherhand, if they kept this show on a couple of years, they could show members of the crew 'just happening' to be near (if not in) the Stonewall Inn, site of the Stonewall riots, which touched off the gay rights movement in 1969, as the event was happening.


If they had treated it the way they did the Amanda revelation, I'd say it would have been a big bomb.
There is no way a lesbian (who was so closeted she even took the pain of going for the fake engagement/marriage beard) would have just kissed another woman she knew was into men out of the blue in a public place like that, just because she said men were jerks. Even an apparently "liberated" woman like Maggie could have bolted if not shrieked at such an unwanted advance and the *beep* would have hit the fan. All this for what? A random kiss? No way.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco



Had the series continues for several more episodes or even another season a lesbain storyline between Amanda and Maggie might have been plausable. Amanda stated to Ted that she feels more comfortable around women then men. Maggie is a full-blooded liberal and idealist whom is not hesitent to take on anything new or free in her own mind.

In the final episode '1964' when Lauren joins everyone at Ted's apartment in the final scene to watch the ball drop from Times Square, she greets Ted with a kiss, suprising everyone there.

Maggie: Look! When did that happen?

Kate: Isn't he supposed to be enganged?

Maggie: Yes, to Amanda. She kissed me... on the mouth.

Kate: What?!

Collette: What?!

Maggie: And it wasn't half-bad.


I would have been all for a lesbian story-line, as long as it would make sense toward the characters and story, a mistake they made in the O.C tv-serie.
