Programming times & programming days are crucial to the success of a new series.
New series are usually broadcast immediately following an already successful/ highly-rated series. The objective is to have the viewers of the successful series stay tuned to continue watching the new series.
Another network needs to purchase this series & place it in a time slot where viewers are already tuned-in.
Christina Ricci Kelli Garner Margot Robbie Karine Vanasse
would feel so wrong. They at least have to wrap up parts of their storylines before being substituted, and even then at least 3/4th should remain.
- How will Maggie fare as a smuggler with Broyles? - Is Kate going to actually join the CIA (which could've been the start of a spin-off about the CIA in those years) - Will Laura lose her job with Pan Am because of the Nudes? - Is Amanda really pregnant, or is she just doing a last ditch attempt to get her claws into Teddy? - What about Colette, will she find her brother? Will she remain at the New York Hub, or transfer to Hong Kong?
- Who will Dean fly with after his suspension ends? - Will Ted get the left seat in those 6 months? - What ever became of Bridget? - Will the ex-East German Spy join Pan Am? - Will the Haitian refugee/stow-away become one of the first Black Stewardesses with Pan Am? (No clue when ŧhey actually had their first, the first absolute African-American Stewardess was Ruth Taylor with Mohawk Air back in 1958)