The whole concept behind Black Panther is bullshit.
I hesitate to say it. But it's implicitly racist against African-Americans.
The concept of superheros and their genesis in comic books comes from 1930's American white culture. It wasn't until it was capitalized on by Hollywood, that a completely 'white geek' phenomenon was ever even conceived in the wildest imagination to have any relevance to black people.
Really, until the last 20 years and for the past century there was probably only a tiny handful of African-Americans who read these comics. It's totally foreign to the subculture.
But of course the dominant white culture and the greed of the film industry can't be bothered with that. So lets pretend there are also black "superheros". Of course there are real black superheros. I suggest Malcolm X or James Baldwin or Louis Farrakhan or maybe just the men and women who have survived slavery and racism in America for several centuries.
But to say that this comic concept of superheroism has anything to do with real African-American film and literature is absurd.
And to add insult to injury, these Hollywood hacks appropriated and tarnished the name of real black heroes, The Black Panther Party, a serious attempt by blacks to organize on a community level and effect real change. Sorry, the real Black Panthers have nothing in common with the phonies in this movie.
This silly movie makes me shake my head. And they've duped African-American children into chasing after this white lie.