The Point That People Missed.
Everyone seems to have missed the subtle point the writers were making with this film.
"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships," says Killmonger.
But Killmonger's ancestors were ALL Wakandans. He is literally the first one of his lineage to ever be born outside of Wakanda. His actual ancestors are privileged, rich, powerful people who have never experienced any kind of oppression, ever!
He is bitter and angry and blames everyone else for his problems to such an extent that he develops a victim mentality based purely on his ethnicity. 'I am black therefore I am oppressed.' Except he wasn't. He descends from the most comfortable, advanced society on the planet and has NO CONNECTION to the men that jumped from the ships, AT ALL. That they happen to have the same skin pigmentation as him is meaningless. We are not accountable for the actions (good or bad) of those who happen to look like us nor do we get to appropriate THEIR struggles.
This film is actually anti identity politics.