MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > OT: Checkout JLA Snyder Cut Blu-ray cove...

OT: Checkout JLA Snyder Cut Blu-ray cover!

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Who cares! Did they delete the Justice League board or something?


Well at least they got one thing right....ALL COLOR has been Drained from The Art!

lol Much like Snyders MOS, BvS and First Cut of JL, Snyder intentionally Drained all Color out making them Dark,Depressing colorless with no Joy...

thats the very first thing I noticed when The Cover art for JL's Blu Ray came out was the shocking difference in Color between Snyders version and the WB/Whedon version.

heres a website that shows the differences-

at first, I was like Damn they really "BRIGHTEN" the hell out of the movie....been then I realized, No they just made in normal, fixed Snyders version where he Drained all color and life out of it!

WB will never release a Snyder cut, Fans are sad and delusional if they actually thinks theres even a 1% chance, but at leaast this fan got his art right on his Fantasy Snyder cut, at least he(like Snyder) drained all Color out


Snyder was the problem they should have never let him handle Batman Vs Superman after the disappointing Man of Steel. Man of Steel should never of launched DCEU for that matter.
