

This is what it's come to? You're now posting about *other* movies and their effect on the Disney bottom line? Disney is far and away the most successful, profitable movie studio in the world, with a margin double that of their nearest competitor. A Wrinkle in Time has earned back close to half its production cost. I don't know what the advertising costs were, but the film certainly wasn't hyped with a mega-campaign. Who knows if it will lose money, but even if it does, that's part and parcel of the movie business, and with a film like Black Panther unexpectedly earning over a billion dollars, a smaller-scale film like A Wrinkle in Time potentially losing a small amount is insignificant. Disney will continue to make more than any other studio for the foreseeable future. Then you factor in their amusement parks, toys, revenue from a century of classic films, ESPN, and now possibly even the purchase of Fox... no one (but you) cares if A Wrinkle in Time loses a few million.


A Wrinkle in Time is a "smaller scale film"? At a budget of 103 million and an ad budget every bit as much? And..."it's already earned half it's budget back"?


Oh boy...


We get it. You HATE Disney. Ironic, as you're living in Fantasyland.


I hate to do it... But I gotta post this: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/120/955/butthurt.jpg


Oh yeah, while Wrinkle in Time losses a few millions for Disney (which in no way downplays BP super success), he gains a few new cracks in his butthole. No one wants to meet that black hole...


Just a "few million" lost? LOL. The production budget alone is 103 million...many think it is actually 120 million and additional P&A costs are 100. million.


Just a "few million" lost? LOL. The production budget alone is 103 million...many think it is actually 120 million and additional P&A costs are 100. million.
The movie haven't finished its run so it is a bit premature to speak of "lost dollars". Don't you think?


Just report this thread and move on. It's not even remotely hiding itself as concern trolling or related to Black Panther. You can pretty tell much tell who made the thread without even having to look at the OP. It's becoming that predictable.

For arguments sakes though.

[–] QueenFanUSA (608) 3 days ago
The 2.5× rule is when you include marketing expenses.

'Black Panther' - $200M X 2.5 = $500M
'A Wrinkle in Time' - $103($120M to make you happy) X 2.5 = $257.5M ($300M)

Black Panther will make a bare minimum of $1.2B. So $1.2B - $500M(budget/marketing) = $700M profit.
$700M - $300M = $400M profit still there. That's me completely writing off 'A Wrinkle in Time' without considering whatever it earns at the box office. I don't even know why I bothered to reply. Disney is on top no matter what and they can't be stopped. Resistance is futile as they say.


I dont know what a wrinkle in time is. But does it sucking make you feel better about BP beating your brains in?


A wrinkle in time is a Tesseract. Now you know.


It looks to be a big money-loser for Disney...hence a good portion of BP's profits will devoured.


Disney makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $45-50 billion a year. A Wrinkle in Time will lost at most $120 million, though it will likely lose far, far less, but let's go worst case scenario here. That represents about 1/4 of 1 percent of their profit. A good portion, you say?
