MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > What the media doesn't want you to hear....

What the media doesn't want you to hear...

90% of the movie was drawn out dialogue while the other 10% was one sub-par action scene followed by the traditional MCU brawl climax. If this movie wasn't so race fueled and judged appropriately it would probably rank amongst the lower tier of Marvel movies below/around the Thor series.


Except that all three Thor movies rank with the best superhero flicks. Let me guess, you're one of those sheeple who think that The Dark Knight and Spider-Man 2 are exemplary examples of the genre? (Why Sure!)


Nowhere have I seen Thor ranked in anyone's top 5, let alone top 10.


All three are in my top 20 with Ragnarok in the top 7 or so.


Oh! YOU'RE top 20. It all makes sense now...


But when it comes down to it, isn't that all that matters in regards to a movie's value -- YOUR opinion?


"Except that all three Thor movies rank with the best superhero flicks."

Nowhere in your original comment did you state that this was solely your opinion vs. a universal consensus. Have a nice day.


Lighten up, my friend. While my words are serious, I'm sharing them in a bemused manner.

But, yes, I wholly disagree with those who say (any of) the Thor movies and Spider-Man 3 are lousy; or that The Dark Knight and Spider-Man 2 are incredible masterpieces. Why Sure!

Sorry if I came across hostile; I was only sharing my opinion and having a little fun. You're alright in my book. :)


It's all good. Coincidentally nothing drove me more crazy than people dick riding TDK. Very long and overly sophisticated imo. I'll stick to the animated series.


Daily nonsense, no, pure bullshit brought to you by insecure injustice internet warriors. Next.


Triggered response brought to you by a defensive, insecure social justice warrior. Next.
