Slightly above average at best
Just saw it today.
Wasn't too bad but wasn't that great either although not as bad as some people made it out to be (seemed the audio was a bit muffled in the theater I was in). The fight scenes could've been a bit more polished. Andy Serkis did his silly hijinks as usual and there were the usual Marvel comedic lines here and there (there was some kid in front row doing some cocky mock laughter at some of the lines). Stan Lee cameos is always the best. Overall story seemed simplistic at best. Wakanda started off as a right-wing type nation but at the end opened up to the world. Don't forget to watch the mid-credit scenes and after credit scenes (which require no 3D glasses for those that keep putting them on after).
For a nation as advanced as they say Wakanda is, it seems stuck in time. Like if they discovered iron instead of vibranium, you'd just see huts and some taller buildings covered in sheets of metal and that's about it (which sorta is the case with vibranium). There isn't really any roads either much less buildings that look like the ones Tony Stark would build. Tribal aspects is still strong there as well yet they say guns are primitive when they still use spears and such with added vibranium tech. I bet guns with vibranium tech would outdo those any day.