"WAKANDA Is NOT REAL" - Ben Shapiro REACTS to the Black Panther Phenomenon
Got it?
Got it?
Did he JUST now figure that out?!!
Where is CaptainObvious when he is most needed for the Alt-Right.
That video of Ben Shapiro is hilarious for it's inaneness. He sets up these false narratives that he then portends to knock down.
His first statement is the only one you need to hear to stop watching. Ben Shapiro thinks that the BP movie is the MOST important thing to happen according to the media and Blackest of America?
Stunning!!! Low information followers will be thrilled that Ben Shapiro debunked a non-truism.
Carry on.
"Ben Shapiro thinks that the BP movie is the MOST important thing to happen?"
Looks like you need your sarcasm detector fixed.
Ben Shapiro is indeed snarking the media and the collective black community in order to mock it. Is that not so? Blade, Catwoman weren't important but Black panther is seminal based on his hyper-verbal musings?
He isn't saying that because he thinks that's what Black America is saying? He isn't mocking that and then turning around and saying that his experiences are what should be normalized?
The mock wasn't the windup for his view to be the pitch?
No. He doubles down on his inaneness not just once but twice. He doesn't state mockingly those that allegedly can't criticize something? He takes a shot at an SJW for the reason to set-up a statement that is easily knocked down?
Oh knowssssssssssssssssss!!!
Shapiro is indeed mocking all the idiots that are trying to use the movie with a political agenda [which the movie itself also has]. He is mocking the Black community, the SJW's and the mindless drones who are blind and can't think for themselves.
When was the last time a movie about a black guy had all the commotion on youtube and midia in general?