Will the 1st & 2nd & 3rd Negative BP Critic Reviewers be branded Heroes?
Given all of this Faux outrage over alleged Disney payoffs, fear of being called a Racist and a rampant conspiracy to spread SJW and PC themes from the USA into the far flung psyches of the Rest of The World, will the 1st negative critic reviewer be a hero and lionized for his or her bravery?
I mean the pressure all the professional reviewers are under must be so intense. The name calling that will be visited upon these social pariahs for their negative opinions just can't go unpunished! What will happen if the negative reviewer is a person of color who is willing to 'Tell It Like It Is', "your Black baby is ugly".
Will no critic or reviewer have the courage of their conviction to stand up against an obvious and oppressive wrong? Will the negative review come from the USA, Spain or the UK? Will the negative review wait until AFTER BP reaches Certified Fresh status before they are willing to step up and be counted? That way they will have some cover. AMIRIGHT?
Will the negative review actually critique the obvious in that it was a pandered mess, too much social messaging and MCU world-building with no story. Or will it hide behind the usual too much CGI and shakey cam?
Now a wondrously honest 3rd review has arrived for 02/11/2018.