MovieChat Forums > Smash (2012) Discussion > what ruined the show

what ruined the show


He was the reason why the show ended! I don't know why Karen liked him to begin with! He was such an annoying jerk!


I'm fast forwarding thru almost everything having to do with that stupid grunge opera....


Seriously, it could've been so much better without him. He was just unbearable. It's a shame because this show was actually really good before he came along.


i LOOOVE Season 1! It really brings me back to my twenties, in NYC.

Season 2 is not NEARLY as compelling so far (just started watching the show this weekend, off Amazon Prime Streaming), both in the show-within-a-show subject matters (does anyone care what happens in Hit List ??) and the characters offstage.



Season 2 was a let down. They tried to make it a Glee.


Frankly, Jimmy endeared himself to me from the get-go, although his jerk-ness became annoying.

But he gets props from me for calling Karen out - there she was, blocking his station, not ordering (then she orders tap water). She protests she's "not like that," when he has nailed her specific actions precisely. She IS like that, that's exactly what she's doing!

And Jimmy is practically the only character in the show to ever tell Karen even one home truth, except early, when everyone tells her to "tone it down," and she snottily insists she has every right to upstage the leading lady by "playing to the balcony." And whines when her unprofessional behavior gets her cut from the number. And the show lets her get away with it.

Oh, right. So, she secretly trained a flock of sandflies.


For me, it was what ruins all shows. Especially the quirky premium shows. The initial offering is good, but viewers get tired of it. (for this show, it was the story lines. The music was great!). So the producers have to make it more dramatic and messy, which does the opposite of what they expect. Soon, the network has to pull the plug. And for us fans, who don't watch 'reality', or cop/doctor shows, we lose.
Nashville was a victim of this. The final 3 months was almost unwatchable! And so many other attempts, mostly forgotten. Pan Am? Astronaut's Wives? Even Castle. Such a light, easy show to watch. But they just HAD to spend big chunks of time on Beckett's mom. Or Beckett's stalker. Or the who-cares mystery of Castle's disappearance. Then they break them apart for a season, and try to make Castle a PI. Again, unwatchable.
If they would have stuck with the songs, the initial scope of the show, Smash might have lasted longer. But this was never going to be a money maker.
(I'm also in my 60's, and watched Glee. But after a few years, and when my wife finally gave up, I'd watch the songs, and skip the drama. Same with DWTS. I'm happy to just watch the dancing, and some of the backstories. I don't believe in the judging, or care who wins. It's all about who draws in more viewers. And I only watch the dancers who can dance! Except Tommy Chong. There was something about him that was so appealing!)


I didn't like Jimmy at all. I also hated how ungrateful he was to Karen who believed in him and was trying to help him.
Also her decision to leave Bombshell didn't make sense to me, it would've made a lot more sense if "The hit list" people were friendlier to her. They kept pushing her away and she kept going back to them.


<< What ruined the show >>

The reason Season 2 is bad is because all the men in charge fired the 1 woman on the creative staff. She wrote and produced the pilot, created the characters and a hit show, oversaw the scripts and (male) writing staff...and this pissed all the men alongside her off.

Then they brought in a (male) show runner -- who did not have the creator's experience in either theater or television -- that all the guys were comfortable answering to. The show then disintegrated, creatively speaking.

Writer/producer Theresa Rebeck writes about it in an essay detailed HERE:

It's naive to think misogyny isn't still alive and well in Hollywood.


Hello! I just found this board - so glad to find you still posting!

Thank you for the link. Wow. I have no doubt Rebeck experienced what she describes, and it's pretty gawdawful.

And I agree it was probably a mistake to fire her. But. But. It was Season 1 which was so over-the-top ridiculous as to inspire a new pastime, and coin a new term - "hate-watching." And Rebeck does not appear to have come to terms with this fact.

Julia and the prospective adoptive Chinese daughter? Scarves everywhere? Karen behaving with a truly ludicrous lack of professionalism, and coming up golden every time? Ivy demonized for having insisted on being allowed to do her job - albeit in a disagreeable, passive-aggressive manner? Ellis?

One can lay much of the blame at Spielberg's feet, sure. And Season 2 did suffer from the switch to a more male focus (it was pretty clear Safran had more interest in Jimmy than in anyone else, though I will always be grateful to him for standing his ground that Ivy-Derek was "endgame," Cartwills' desires notwithstanding, and for insisting that Karen would not win a Tony). But Rebeck's sugar-coated memory of Season 1 isn't accurate. It just isn't what happened in the real world.

Keeping to the imaginary world, I've been penning a fanfiction Season 3, if you've any interest -



Have you heard they’re going to workshop Smash for the stage!?

Gosh! I really hope that intelligent viewers with a real knowledge and passion for musical theatre are in the audience to give useful feedback! Folks like you, Cookie, Twee, and others on this board ten years ago helped me keep my sanity amid the horde of McPhee stans!
