what a complete embarrassment. literally embarrassing to watch
I kept watching this movie and I kept this feeling of embarrassment... what the hell was Neill Blomkamp thinking?
I wonder if he wanted to hire Pitbull for District 9 or if he ever thought about hiring Kanye west for Elysium (I know about the Eminem casting)
This had a good idea behind it, and good effects, but i couldn't take the mommy and daddy characters seriously. Any time those scenes showed up i felt cringe, actual real cringe feeling. I know as a music group they are cool for people, but for a multi million dollar sci fi movie? was Neill drunk when he made this? wtf.
they should have made the two singers secondary evil characters to a better main villain. I would have liked to see the guy and the girl being henchmen for some other bad guy. they should have gotten a different actor to play the "daddy" character.
this was a mess. and I could never get into the movie like i did with District 9, or even Elysium. Even that one was more relatable.
I am not sure who Neill Blomkamp made this movie for. I am not sure who are the characters supposed to relate to. Only Die Antwoord fans? IS this entire movie made for their fans? this cannot possibly have been done for sci fi fans. or even Blomkamp's own fans.
who is this for? i dont get it. this was so bad...