What's with the outdated computers?
Isn't this movie in present day? All the computers looked like they were on DOS or something
shareIsn't this movie in present day? All the computers looked like they were on DOS or something
shareNot really, many programmers would rather work as close to the bones of a computer as possible, A genius guy like this would probably find modern Interfaces to be restrictive, hence the dos type screens where he can type commands directly and faster
shareOh god, what's he going to think when he finally sees Mr. Robot?
sharein film you rarely see people using the windows of the time, it dates the film horribly. You usually see dos type stuff or fictional interfaces.
You call that a cameltoe? Put your cheeks into it!
the windows of the time, - if used, takes a hell of a lot of time in legal actions , money, copy write, the list is endless, so, skip it...., it is not important.
shareInteresting observation. I did notice the outdated CRT monitors at the "Makers" house. Sorry forgot his name.
Trump✴Kanye 2016
Yeah if anything the hardware seemed out of date. I'm a web developer and we use command-line interfaces, the "DOS"-looking things, fairly often. Granted we also spend plenty of time within desktop user interfaces (eg Windows / Mac), so it was mostly the hardware that pissed me off. Oh, and the idea that you can easily store someone's consciousness into binary data by having them put on a helmet and press a button LOL.
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I smirked when I saw the Windows XP screensaver.
shareActually, if you look close, despite some forward-slashes and file extensions, they looked like they were supposed to be some sort of Linux distro (e.g., /dev/usr/d.base/scout/opr_prtcls).
That is actually quite realistic because Windows and Mac are not used for critical systems due to their vulnerable and proprietary nature. Most mission-critical systems will either use some sort of RTOS like VxWare or some sort of customized *nix distro where they have complete control over everything.
(Response notification is off.)
despite some forward-slashes
There is no such thing as a forward slash.
Somebody just outed themselves as never having done IT. :P
Yes there is a forward slash, also known as a foreslash
instead of having them wonder which slash to use
Been coding for over 30 years, first used Unix ~25 years ago, been doing web sites since before you or anybody you knew had even heard about the web (and likely the Internet).
Trust me, there most certainly IS a forward slash.
Hey putz, you are wrong.
You will always be wrong.
Get used to it.
I never claimed to have had some exclusive on it, but you clearly aren't as well versed as you'd like to pretend to us that you are. Foreslash is a VERY commonly used term, especially when verbally instructing newbie CS, EE and ECE grads in how stuff really works in the workplace; but hey, you've never heard of it, so it must not exist.
Keep thinking that if it makes you feel better about yourself as you reminisce about your punchcard collection.
Foreslash is not very commonly used. You're obviously an idiot. Keep misinforming your students.
shareAre you fùcking retarded or something? They were working from the command line, like actual programmers. Sorry, there isn't a GUI for inventing artificial intelligence.
Are you not entertained?!
Maybe because it takes place in Africa, so their level of technology isn't so high.