I'm no Cameron Diaz fan, but she's given some decent performances in her time. But did she really have to be so bloody over the top?!! A performance like that is fine for the stage, but this is cinema! A completely different medium! Did no one in the crew - the director, producer, a *beep* runner?! - think to say, "Maybe you should tone it down?" She would've gotten so much more comedy out of her performance if she was a little more subtle. Goddammit, I could slap someone right now.


Give me Kathy Bates any day!


I thought she did great.


Didn't like her performance either but I think part of it was due to the character and the way she was written. The original Miss Hannigan was very frightening. Annie was the only one who seemed to challenge her. This is seen in the plays and movie from the the 80s.

But like all remakes things are changed. When you get past that and look at the movie by itself as a modern version it enjoyable.

The is the key to remakes. You can not expect it to me exactly like the original. The show is updated, characters are changed and even at times the story takes a new direction.


Did you ever consider that she did the part exactly how the director wanted her to? Go slap him.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Ha! I very much liked her performance here! She was funny and I had sympathy for her character too! 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Cameron was no more over the top than Carol Burnett. Carol's role was quite exaggerated I feel.
