MovieChat Forums > Annie (2014) Discussion > 8 minutes and 16 seconds into the movie

8 minutes and 16 seconds into the movie

IDK if I can tolerate Cameron Diaz in this film.... and I generally like her films.... I mean no award "like" but fun. Something about Mary, Bad teacher, The other woman.... silly don't have to pay attention to movies. BUT its bad here... I will try a few more minutes and see how film is. Since I know the Annie story She wont be in it for long. Carol Burnett Ms. Hannagan was the best!!


I agree with you on that. I like her too but Carol Burnett is still the best. I did like the back story that explained why she was bitter. I found it funny. But other than that I didn't like her. Carol Burnett was more frightening in her role or at least to me. In this one she was almost comical.


Yeah, Carol Burnett scares the crap out of me. Much better to have Cameron's singing voice and redeamable qualities if you ask me.


Nope I have to disagree with you about the redeemable qualities. This in essance summed up the entire film, it was a little too safe and cutesy.i mean Burnett ' s Hannigan when she realises Rooster really is going to kill Annie tries to stop him and hits him with a shoe when he falls off the bridge and hits the trampoline. But then she disappears from the finale assuming she has been arrested. But the fact that Diaz is in the final dance number without so much as a slap on the wrist is a really weak ending.


I respect your right to disagree with me.


I respect your opinion too and agree to disagree.


Hannigan from 82 didn't disappear as she's seen on the elephant


Ok yeah Diaz and Gluck put their own spin on this Hannigan and they were trying not to tread on the toes of the 82 version which I respect but Diaz was just awful. I felt like her Hannigan had all the formulaic tact of a child in a school play with the contrived script, stumbling about, drinking it jusr seemed a bit too put on. I was writing a review of this Annie and after I criticised Diaz for her performance in this but then the next day watched There's Something About Mary and thought was I being too harsh? Until a friend pointed out they are two completely different films and jusr because she's good in one doesn't mean she's good in another.



It was far from Diaz' best performance and while she deserves part of the blame, the role was badly written and it didn't help that it required her to sing. Yet her supporting role is not the only reason why the movie scored low in the ratings and at the box office. It's just the most comfortable reason. It's okay to blast Cameron Diaz.

Superman (1978) had a dumb supporting character named "Otis" but that didn't stop Superman (1978) from being a success with critics, in the ratings and at the box office.

To be bad a film has to have other issues besides one supporting character not being up to par.
