MovieChat Forums > Annie (2014) Discussion > This is soooo bad! The girl can't sing!

This is soooo bad! The girl can't sing!

Ok, I just played the silly soundtrack again.

The main girl can't sing. Really ruins everything! It's not just the auto-tuning. She can't sing! Obviously there were no auditions, because if there were, I'm sure they could find a much better singer!

Jamie Foxx does his best to salvage the soundtrack with soothing R/B vocals, but even his performance seems oddly out of place.

We all know black people can sing and dance and they couldn't find a black girl who can sing and dance better than Aileen Quinn?

What the hell is wrong with the producers of this movie?






I thought she was a good singer



You like disagreeing with me dont you



No one is is complaining about the 1999 Annie's hair looking like she just came from the hair salon or sounding like she's strangling a cat. So much hate for this one, the little girl is just as actress and white people and their spawns can't seem to move on. That is why racism will never end.




It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that Annie is NOT in a film bearing her name.

Go read the famous comic strip which ran weekly for 86 consecutive years. THAT'S Annie. She's not in this film.



Yep. And the movie's bad rating and low box office reflect that.


I disagree. The movies box office was hurt because the North Korean government leaked the movie prior to release and the bad IMDb rating is a result of the North Korean government paying people to sign in with different names to give this movie a 1 I feel because they are upset at the USA and Japan and Sony Corp. because of the movie 'The Interview.'


I'm sorry you feel that way but I understand why you do. Please be patient, all walls break down with time and pressure.


I believe the lead actress was chosen because of her acting ability and because she resembled the producer's daughter. It doesn't appear that her singing or dancing was ever a consideration - although it is not entirely fair to say that she has no singing or dancing ability when one considers the source material.

I think Jamie Foxx was actually honoring the producer's wishes - holding back so he wouldn't steal the show. This is the mark of a professional - not a reason to criticize.

The entire production reminds me of something created by one person (can be brilliant or bad) or someone surrounded by a chorus of 'yes men'.

Unfortunate, because every single person is talented (esp. Foxx, Cannavale and Zayas). It's the director's job to make the talent work together. However, in this case, I think the producer's were making most of the director's decisions for him.



She was chosen for her acting and recent nomination. Jamie didn't "hold back". He did what a good musician does. He accompanied them. I liked the harmony and changes he makes in "Who Am I?"

There was nice harmonic "counterpoint" @1:21-23. A shift, if you will.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


That is not counterpoint. That is simply a two part harmony. If you're going to use a musical term, please use it properly.

Autotune is like nails on the chalkboard to me.


I Lol how people pretend to know what they're talking about when they adhere to a strick definition to correct someone who actually performs music.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


If you don't even know what counterpoint is, how can you speak about it? Just because you picked up a guitar, bought an SM58, and record on your Mac Air with your out of tune and grainy voice doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Here's a brief lesson on counterpoint.

Within complexity lies simpleness.


Of course it all means nothing if the girl isn't Annie and according to Harold Gray's source material (31,000 comic strips!) the 2014 girl isn't Annie. If no attempt is made to bring the true icon Annie to life, what's the point? That's why it was critically panned and bombed at the box office despite being one of the most intensely marketed movies of the year.


I have zero problems with a casting of different ethnicities. I have problems with the lack of musical talent in a musical.


It's a problem if it reduces a very specific, iconic character to a faceless generic.


Any girl who gives me shivers of joy like Quvenzhane does during listening to 'Opportunity' is a magical and wonderful singer and performer in my book. She has an exclamation point following her name!



Thank you!! I'll take that as a compliment.



It gives me happiness to think you are possibly giggling right now. The world needs more smiles like yours.

Edit: This is a response to Naterdawg after calling me a name in mockery.


She can't sing. Everything was autotune and computer effects. That's why you will NEVER see her sing anywhere live.


I wondered whether her singing was dubbed. It seemed to me that her mouth movements didn't quite fit with the soundtrack.

I'm sorry for the young actress who made such a sensational debut in 'Beasts of the Southern Wild.' Her career may have come to a premature halt :-(

